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Year Of The Monkey

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This does not mean that the Monkey is callous or refuses to accept criticism. Not in the least-- hen you get to know him, that is. It is just that he realizes ahead of everyone else that nothing is ever permanent or irreparable. Don't sulk, despair or cry "Doomsday." Let him put his gray matter to work and soon things will be right side up again. Remember, to him, records were made to be broken; standards to be upgraded by higher specifications; inventions to be rendered obsolete by more sophisticated designs. He is the impresario, the perpetual improver. Rarely discouraged by his failures or impressed by the success of others, the Monkey strives constantly to do better and often astonishes even himself.

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Monkey people are clever, inventive and charming. They can be mischievous and deceitful, and are usually good at talking their way through any situation. Monkey people have many talents and are good at learning new things. Easy-going, they are rarely upset by criticism, and recover easily from mistakes and setbacks. Sometimes others judge them harshly, yet in the long run they remain popular. Their enjoyment of life makes them delightful companions. Alhtough warm and affectionate, they usually have only a small circle of close friends. Optimistic and competitive, they like coming up with new ways to do things. They are also good at bargaining and negotiation. Most Monkey people have excellent memory skills, great curiosity, and a quick intellect. They have natural survival skills that tell them when to persist and when to quit, and they nearly always have an alternate plan. Monkeys do well as analyists and critics, and are also likely to thrive in careers that require public performance.



buti hindi ako year of the monkey, rooster ako, tiktilaok... hehehe

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yeah, HotActionCop! and a piscean, too. rooster ka pala? year mo pala now. compatible ba ung rosster at monkey? masilip nga. :)


Rooster 72 - Probably, who knows yan ung score. monkeys are best compatible with a rat. :upside:


however, i dont agree on d statement "Although warm and affectionate, they usually have only a small circle of close friends." speaking for myself, when i start being friends with somebody, rest assured, that somebody is something worth a friend and they're many. i love entertainment, too.


nice to see u here, HotActionCop. keep posting maski indi ka monkey. :)

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The Monkey is an intellectual and will possess a fine memory. With his superb intelligence and proficiency, he cannot help but be a winner. His genius is fueled by insatiable curiosity. He must try anything at least once. If he is stumped by a problem, he will nonchalantly go on to invent a solution. What else? Besides being bright and crafty, the Monkey is practical; he counts his dollars and cents. You won't find him wasting time on losing enterprises.

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A realist, the Monkey will not hesitate to take the easiest way out of a trap. When he is cornered, he can be unscrupulous in his means of escape. But the Monkey does have a conscience and when it bothers him too much he will be hit by bouts of charity and may be overwhelmingly generous all of a sudden. Make hay while the sun shines, for these bouts will not last long.

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Monkey in 2005, The Year of the Rooster


This year might be dominated by thoughts of money and being with friends. Additionally there might be some lucrative chances that become available to you especially early on in the year. However, don't lose your head over it… because things can go just as easy as they come. So take care and be careful where small details are concerned. Make sure you get everything in writing because this will help. Whilst this year shows to be quite a good one for you there could be losses incurred over small things and these losses might have deeper implications to them later on down the track. This is a year of the romance flower for you and it's a chance to either deepen an existing romance or meet up with a new one. If you are already involved and a new one comes on the scene be careful how you deal with it. Hurts feelings tend to last long and there's not too many people who forget when they get badly treated by a monkey – keep it in mind! You might find yourself wanting to travel around Feb and this is fine but be careful of losing money when you travel. Carelessness is not your friend this year.

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