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Philippine Ragnarok


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Here's what I found out after playing this game since it was relaunched.


Nostalgia was a dangerous road, It caused me too force myself to experience the same things and feelings that happened to me when I was playing in chaos times.

I was looking for the same type of friends, Rebooting my old classes, Making rich, Grinding, Doing it all over again.


It was sure Fun at first couple of months and then it Hit me when I met our Old Guild Master at the mall.

We are the same age and we are obviously pure addicts when ragnarok was first launched in PH.


I asked him if he plays the rebooted version or any games at all. I was quite surprised on his reply.


He said the reason we enjoyed ragnarok a lot before was the camaraderie that we formed and the brothers that we gain in the game.

We are like a family back then and the reason we stayed playing the game for so long was only because of that family.

We don't play for prestige, zeny and competition alone because it only matters when you have friends to share it with.
​and He doesn't need to recreate that experience because It was perfect already and nothing can top that.


I guess he was right because most of us did move on but some still clings to the past because it was the best moments of their life.

In short, I quit and it was a breath of fresh air.


Sorry for being melodramatic but now I am curious why you guys still play the game? Is it pure nostalgia or something else?

Edited by CPA
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Well ROPH for one was nostalgia but i think since the server merge player population subsided, on the other hand iRO has still have alot of players (esp. in "Chaos" server but in "Thor" server (where pRO migrated characters where located) is going low) pRO back in the days +7 set you'd be envied as one of the rich and if you like 1B back then you're a God. But in iRO now mostly +9 up to +15 set equips and would cost like 4-5B per equip (depending on the equips).


for the old timey's who had played pRO way back if you're not busy try going over to iRO it's still fun and i'll see you guys there

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