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Mobius Stripper

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Posts posted by Mobius Stripper

  1. the preamble is not a source of substantive right or any legal or polititical authority. anyway, i would like to propose a law for a two-party system. like what we had under the 1935 consti.

    Perhaps we can judge the quality of the rule of law & its justice process with the practical reverence people have towards the constitution's preamble.


    Since the thread is about proposing specific laws ... let me resurrect Dr. Sun Yat Sen's simple agrarian reform proposal. Charge taxes on land based on the valuation of the owner himself with the essential condition that the state has the power to purchase the land from him on the basis of his valuation. If the government does acquire the land, then the government either auctions out the land at a gain or rents out the land on a competitive basis & uses the revenues for public works, services & the formation of a common fund.

  2. Rather than propose a law, I chose to comment on the Preamble of the Philippine Constitution of 1987 whose ratification for whoich I supported & campaigned & don't regret doing so. I simply lament over the stark dfferences between the principles & realities ....


    We, the sovereign Filipino people,

    (whose leaders can borrow buy the billions, wage war at home & abroad, enter into treaties & agreements for their benefits first but in our collective name & at our democratic cost)


    imploring the aid of Almighty God,

    (& therefore specifically excludes atheists, heathens, heretics & similar voices of dissent, like mine)


    in order to build a just and humane society, and

    (when, after more years than the rule of an expelled dictator has passed, the massive poverty, marginalization, violence & oppression remain)


    establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations,

    (where the current electoral practices justify the election of the "competent" over the "accountable" & rationalize excessive spending, fraud & violence to make it so)


    promote the common good,

    (as long as it is consistent with vested interests of the powers that be)


    conserve and develop our patrimony,

    (in the hands of crony rent-seekers who call themselves taipans & captains of industry deprive the equal rights of others to the fruits of the Earth & the natural cooperative efforts of society through largesse, favors & concessions & squander them or stash them abroad)


    and secure to ourselves and our posterity,

    (even if working a full day will not guarantee staving off poverty & starvation,)


    the blessings of independence and democracy

    (bestowed upon officials whose accountabilities are reduced so they may do their job better)


    under the rule of law and

    (written by officials whose loyalties are torn between those who voted for them & those who claim to have bought them their positions)


    a regime

    (at least that is clear that s is not based on a society)


    of truth

    (where the media isn't free but very expensive)



    (where minors accused of stealing P100 of fish to feed their family is severely treated while revering those who blatantly deprives billions of pesos worth of opportunities from Filipinos who need them more in order to live lives of dignity,



    (where millions of Filipinos are free to take the risk of seeking abroad the opportunities they were deprived of at home)



    (where poverty & oppression force desperate families into livelihoods that shorten their lifespan, compromise their dignity & make families dysfunctional)



    (where the defense of one's rights depend on one's property, power & position)


    and peace

    (at the cost of the violation of human rights & dignity of those in no position to defend themselves)


    do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.

    (which I did out of belief in the principles we put our lives on the line in, before & even after EDSA)


    Nagpapakatotoo lang. Happy EDSA Anniversary to all!

  3. My prayer this morning was fromt he 13th Warrior:


    Merciful Father.... I have squandered my days with plans of many things.

    This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only, to live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought and have not thought... All we ought to have said and have not said. All we ought to have done and have not done. I pray thee, God for forgiveness.


    The worst scenario did occur but then I was ready ... & at peace. :hypocritesmiley:

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