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Posts posted by Alsev

  1. I agree in fact a friend is organizing one happening on the 19th. Hope you guys can join coz this is a good team, for portfolio this is top dog hehe. Im a big fan of them. Anyway here here are the details


    Imagine this: a pool side photo shoot featuring Bridget Suarez wearing some of the most cutting edge and provocative swim wear, styled by Donna Cuna-Pita (former Cosmopolitan Magazine fashion editor, fashion columnist for the Philippine Star, and current fashion editor of FHM Magazine). Art direction, photography lights, and drinks provided. Think of it as a pool party with a model--bring your camera and snap away. It's an instant photo shoot with a professional stylist, a great location, and the perfect girl!


    Sounds too good to be true? Why don't you see for yourself!


    On 19 June 2010, Saturday, 3 to 6 pm, 7th floor, poolside of The G Hotel, Roxas Boulevard, Manila


    Session fee: P3,500 (includes free drinks at the pool bar!)

    *A P2,000 non-refundable deposit will be needed to confirm your slot . This is 1st come 1st serve basis and there are only limited slots available. For inquries you can call 09209329634 or email alansevilla@gmail.com. Bank details will be sent through email/text upon receipt of your reservation email.


    Looking forward to a hot and steady afternoon w/ you guys. Cheers

  2. They already faced each other before in the Octagon. That was years ago. Makes me wonder why they keep referring to his match as his debut match in the Octagon


    Silva got creamed by Ortiz


    got creamed? in my opinion it was lay n pray. What a freaking coward Tito was in that fight Tito got hit bad by Wandy and even ran for cover after that he just layed n prayed till the bout was over. he had the size advantage but I gotta agree a win is still a win but I cant help air my side when fighters win like that.

  3. @larry

    gota agree on you abt the brandon fight :) I saw him winning it although the most impt is the last round. It leaves a mark on the judges scorecards. :( BTW did you know he broke his hand in the 1st round so that had a big effect on his fighting style in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. He'll be back.

  4. Ive probably used all the phones available in the market since I often changed every 2 months. It would really depend on your lifestyle and progams that suit that lifestyle of yours. Last year I was into camera phones. Too bad its too dang slow to refresh or to take quick consecutive pics. Out of all the phones Ive used the best is the Treo 650. Would love to have my hands on the latest model wc is the treo 700. Since its too expensive ill give it a year then purshase 1 when the prices go down. Why do I like it? its lightning quick. I have excel documents, word pad, and hundreds of progams and application hich are useful in the kind of work im in. usually if i have exel docs and use a Nokia or an Se phone it takes a long time to open. I dont have all the time in the world! :)

  5. There just too many to mention but what da heck...


    Steve Miller Band

    Fleetwood Mac


    LEd Zep


    Pink Floyd

    Jackson Browne

    Deep Purple

    Lynrd Skynrd

    Allman Brothers


    Rolling Stones

    The BEatles

    Black SAbbath




    TEn years After

    The who


    GRateful dead

    The doors

    Moody Blues




    Thin Lizzy

    Jethro Tull



    Guess Who

    early CHICAGO





    and a lot more!!! I might not stop.....hehehe

  6. I already left Globe last year. Ive had enough of their poor service plus hidden charges left and right. . Ive been a loyal globe user for 6 years and would roughty avg around 5k a month. After my loyalty program expired they told me to wait for a promo to get a new phone. HELLO? thats not how you treat clients. So I applied and got a phone with smart. Most of my friends are globe users but my bill is not as expensive as when I was with Globe. Man I should have done it a long time ago.

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