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Everything posted by skitz

  1. I need help from the community, guys. My daughter was a victim of rape and the school is now actively trying cover it up and not cooperating with the police. I need a troll army to ask questions on the page of the school, nothing incriminating, but just ask questions like "If I enroll my daughter in your school, can you guarantee her safety?" Please let me know if you are interested to help and I will provide more details.
  2. I have 1 active referral so far. Need 9 more.
  3. Checking if legit. I need 10 referrals to cash out. Will report here the result. Nag research ako sa Google, https naman sya so good sign. But the report is not very conclusive. https://refpay.site/?inv=549170
  4. Friday night, end of a very hard week, so where do you go out for your beer fix? How about we get a list going here on MTC on the favorite hangouts of members? I think that will serve as a good guide for fellow members who sometimes find themselves on the other side of town. Recon can be fun, but sometimes you just don't have the time nor do you want to exert the effort in trying to find that perfect spot for you. Let's start with the basics: 1) name of the establishment 2) location 3) price list (need not be complete, but price of beer is a must) 4) brief description (what makes it special?) 5) contact details (not a must but would be nice if a phone number or email address is available for inquiry purposes)
  5. On this thread, we set aside for the meantime the question on the existence of God. That part of the debate, if you wish to engage on that, can be done on the other threads. What this thread is about is to settle whether the MORAL CODE that GOD (according to theists) gave man is still relevant today. So whether God exists or not, as far as this thread is concerned is IMMATERIAL. There is a MORAL CODE that theists believe God gave man. This moral code exists, though the details may vary from interpretation to interpretation of the various religious sects. But let us agree, this moral code, can be summarized as thus "LOVE GOD, LOVE ONE ANOTHER". It is my contention that without this code, man would be lost. And given that we have the technology to end our species, we would self-destruct. Atheists hate to admit it, but even as they hate the idea that God exists, they still reference their own morals based on the standards set by this code. They do not adhere to it, but they want to know how far from the straight and narrow they have strayed. Without the God-given moral code, an atheist would need to build from the ground-up his own moral code. What would this code be like? Let us see, hmmmm... something like, it is illegal to k*ll dogs for meat, but abortion is legal; prayer in schools is illegal, but gay marriages are legal (do these people even know who invented "marriage" and what it means?) -- just two examples of purely random man-made "moral" standards. Alright, that's the opening statement, tell me what's your take.
  6. We all want to rant against this current administration (yeah, ok, even the past administrations). But let us not be blinded by our fury. Let's channel this negative vibes into something positive. Maybe it is just wishful thinking... but who knows, we might get something here. ------------------ I PROPOSE... 1) Ban little plastic bags I buy a pack of cigarettes from 7-11, ibabalot pa ng plastic (of course I refuse). Even garbage bags are wrapped in plastic bags! Kung maliliit lang naman na mga items na pwede na ilagay sa kamay o bulsa, bakit pa ipa-plastic? I know, this is but a baby step... but still, it is a baby step in the right direction. 2) Make the producers pay for the disposal of their wastes Madali lang naman kwentahin yan eh. Sa production stage pa lang, alam na natin na ang mga items na tulad ng diapers and sanitary napkins will be mostly waste (we can even calculate how much). So tax them according to how much it will cost to dispose of the "final-final product". 3) The national budget should not be greater than what the government ACTUALLY COLLECTTED in taxes the previous fiscal year This will more or less ensure that there will be no budget deficit. Ang hirap e, the government does not know how to live within its own means -- sobrang gastos kahit wala ng makolektang buwis... The government should only spend what it is capable of earning, at wag nang UMUTANG PA! baon na baon na tayo. (Ako, I am not rich, but I have ZERO debt, because I apply this basic principle in my life).
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