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Status Updates posted by Viola

  1. damn the haters.. office politics... follows you everywhere. grrrrr

    1. Drew Estrada

      Drew Estrada

      ganun talaga.. try to endure or just get the hell out of there..

  2. If you are married, don't even attempt to hook up with me. Married men, back off!

  3. out sick for 3 days. darn it.

    1. Gambler_m


      you doing okay now?

    2. Viola


      Yes. you really should answer your phone.

  4. i need a lawyer... so i can sue my former company.

    1. Gambler_m


      what happened?

    2. Viola


      hey how are you? basta... i'll tell you when we talk.. bad trip talaga.

  5. it was a good night... and a bad day. grr

  6. I want cake... and more. Darn it.

  7. thank you friday!!!!

  8. it's one surprise i don't like....

  9. I promise one of these days i'll start that blog...

  10. just woke up. went shopping yesterday... its been a while since i bought dresses like these... i feel so sexy wearing these... i guess its time i really move on... no more wearing blacks... bright colors and sexy cuts... i gotta bring out my high heels again. i think im back.

    1. baldo


      whats good for the ego is good for the soul! see you in your fresh set of dresses :-)

  11. ok... trying to be domestic again.. sopas for lunch... and palitaw for merienda.. all home-cooked. love it. now i just need someone to taste my home-cooked meals. :D "ber-months" talaga.. hays.

    1. Gambler_m


      feed me..feed me.. :)

    2. Viola


      if you answer your phone maybe i would.

  12. i hate what they did to robb... i hate it i hate it!! but then i also hate the name robb... rooting for jon snow.

    1. Gambler_m
    2. Viola


      hey.. nabuhay ka... what happened to you.. wala ka lagi sa YM!

  13. game of thrones fever... i need to sleep soon.

    1. number1fan
    2. cocoy0


      Sleep is for the weak!

    3. Viola


      book 3... hehehhe

  14. stuck in bed.. 3rd day being sick...

  15. will be cooking sinigang for lunch... anybody wants to come over and have lunch?

    1. kempaf


      sure. may i?

  16. monday!!! need to survive you....

  17. Can anybody sign up for this? I'm just trying it out as well. It's free to sign up anyway... www.ultimatepowerprofits.com/sofiaangela

  18. Better Wednesday... so far...

  19. bad monday

    1. cocoy0


      better tuesday!

    2. Viola


      tuesday was worse..... grrrr. i kinda need a punching bag right now.

    3. cocoy0
  20. Wow.. pick up line???

    1. cocoy0


      sana septic tank na lang ako...

    2. Viola
  21. i need a massage and a good.... hays

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viola


      hahaha. a good meal. i realized i have not really eaten anything good since...august 15. hahaha

    3. bitoy58


      naks you cook?

    4. Viola


      sometimes... why?

  22. wish i can stay in bed the whole day.. sigh.

  23. may gusto ko pabugbog!!! grrr

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