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Status Updates posted by Viola

  1. oh well.. just when I finally have time, all my friends are busy.

  2. Let's drink!!!!

  3. Friday night. walang gimik. walang kausap. hays.

  4. goodnight! Hoping tomorrow would be fruitful.

  5. Act your age! You are no longer a teenager with raging hormones!

  6. Act your age! You are now longer a teenager with raging hormones!

  7. Back off. Just back off.

    1. Viola


      Just someone who needs a really cold shower.

  8. I think I knew you from way back...

    1. GlennGo
    2. baldo


      yup you do... musta ka na ms viola.. just touching base again.. :-) stay cool

  9. Body ache! Ouch!!!

  10. goodnight! Sweet dreams.

  11. in greenbelt now. coffee??

    1. hotwood69


      30 m here works in mkti.. Pm me

  12. I will stop thinking about you. do not dwell on the past

  13. I know it has been 10 years since we last talked. Why do i miss you now? I hate this feeling.

    1. AstralChaos


      tagal na nyan ah. :)

  14. I feel so sad tonight. oh how i miss you.

  15. Enough of the drama!!! Why I am reliving the past?!? You are gone. You are not here with me. And you never will be. So please stop the drama!!! I need a drink.

  16. I want cake

  17. I want to go out!!!! So bored!!!

  18. Good morning!!! Reminiscing the past is not healthy.

  19. Done with the drama!!!! Im going out for a drink!!! MTC friends, text me if you are in the South.

  20. Feeling senti today... You were the only one who really understood my heart. It has been 10 years and I miss you.

  21. Hungry!!! Craving for burgers....

  22. I know it has been awhile since I had a little bit of something... but I think I'd rather go without than be with you. You are creepy. You are also too stupid to understand that a NO means NO.

  23. I read an old poem that you wrote for me, you could have been my great love if only the time was right. How long has it been? 10 years? I wonder how are you doing now.

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