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Status Updates posted by Viola

  1. Bills, bills and more bills!

  2. So hungry. Feeling ko poor kami. Walang food sa house.

  3. Good morning MTC! Finally it is friday.

  4. it is that time of the year again... malamig na pasko na naman. oh well.

  5. busog last night.. hungry today.

  6. Ang aga aga, emotional rollercoaster na. started the day happy, now bad trip na.

  7. Good morning MTC!

    1. no foul

      no foul

      Good morning din sayo

  8. I ate too much tonight. I feel sick na.

  9. super busog!!!

  10. Antok mode today

  11. Laptop keeps on giving me a message that my HD is about to fail... :( hays.

  12. Finally... wala na si Clara... i hope the Doctor's new companion is someone awesome.

  13. Finally... wala na si Clara... i hope the Doctor's new companion is someone awesome.

  14. Scared of American Horror Story and yet I can't stop watching it.

  15. Hooked on American Horror Story now and i'm scared and entertained at the same time. Maybe i shouldn't watch this alone.

    1. _root


      Season 1 is the best :)

    2. Viola


      i just started season 2.

  16. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain... so why am I hesitating?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flirtpool


      sabi mo naman po you have nothing to lose. so yung rejection ok lang po.

    3. peacemaker8


      Hesitation most of the time is caused by uncertainty. You are probably uncertain whether it is correct or if it is the right timing. My suggestion: Follow your heart


    4. Flirtpool


      if you get rejected, you will lose nothing. so go lang po.

  17. Yes. Reached my quota! I really should stop cramming.

  18. Cramming to reach quota again. 193 to go.

  19. So hungry!!!

    1. Tasty Boy

      Tasty Boy

      What do you like to eat?

    2. storybooklife


      are you heading out?

    3. Viola


      not heading out. cramming to meet quota as usual.

  20. American Horror Story marathon and I'm now scared s@%t. tsk tsk

    1. El Chapo

      El Chapo

      oi ngayon lang ulit kita nakita status dito hehe~

    2. Viola


      oi lagi ka kasi nasa dota. lagi kaya ko nag status.

  21. Hungry day... i just want to eat and eat and eat. maybe after being sick for a few days, my body is now in the process of recovery.

  22. Hungry day... i just want to eat and eat and eat. maybe after being sick for a few days, my body is not in the process of recovery.

  23. good morning mtc!!! saturday! finally.

  24. Still sick in bed...

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