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Status Updates posted by Viola

  1. Can't sleep. Eheads soundtrip tuloy.

    1. toots777


      Music trip

    2. Viola


      yeah.poorman's grave now. after more than 2 decades, oh eheads pa din. hahaha. tanda ko na.

    3. toots777


      Walang kupas ang heads.. oks yan

  2. can't sleep. GoT marathon.

  3. can't sleep. hays

    1. Singkit1278


      Halika hele kita

    2. Viola


      hele talaga? tsktsk

    3. Singkit1278


      Yes para makatulog ka

  4. can't sleep. must be the 4 cups of coffee i had tonight. hahaha.

  5. Can't sleep. Too bored to stay awake naman. :(

  6. Can't sleep. Won't sleep. coffee pa more.

  7. can't sleep.

  8. Can't stop thinking of you.This is the effect you have on me.

    1. edma


      same here.. lol.. pero hindi ikaw.. haha

  9. Can't think straight. sobrang devastated today. hays. i was hoping for some good news.. instead we received extremely bad news.

    1. Xiaolam


      Everything will turn out well... just keep on praying.. may i know your credetials? I might be able to help.

  10. Can't think. Too distracted.

  11. Capitol commons starbucks now. Anybody nearby?

    1. GhostBauser123


      Sayang, kakagaling ko lang diyan.

  12. Catch me if you can...

    1. bladekid23


      what's with that?

    2. lepetitmortman


      kawal! ilabas ang lambat!


  13. catch you later MTC. heading out now.

  14. Claim it if you want it.

    1. @Migz


      How to claim? hahaha

  15. Coffee SB Soledad?

    1. imchrono


      Hi :) viber? chat or txt tayu

  16. Coffee this Friday? I'll be at GB5 eh. Ung totoong coffee po.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BalikAdik v2.0

      BalikAdik v2.0

      If open invitation po, what time?

    3. Viola


      ikaw nga sa tabi tabi lang nakatira, di pa ko malibre ng coffee. hehehe

    4. Viola
  17. Coffee? Will be in GB later on.

    1. storybooklife


      still in greenbelt?

  18. cold night... cold weather... wish i have somebody I can cuddle with tonight and for every night for years to come...

  19. Come on OKC... you threw that game.. you had the lead the entire time and you threw the 4th quarter. Darn Ginobili... OKC you better win the next game. Now Boston, beat Miami. Don't let Lebron win a championship.. that pompous a**hole...

  20. Coming home to an empty room after a long and tiring day is so depressing... postive vibes.. positive vibes for tomorrow.

    1. C.Unicron


      Count 1 to 10... take a deep breath... then smile


    2. Viola


      Listening to an audiobook instead.

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