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Posts posted by www

  1. Sadly... I don't like tattoos...It makes you look a bit "dirty"... well, you can get an allergic reaction from it or a viral hepatitis infection. It doesn't even increase any kind of sensation like body piercings, yun, those are cool.


    But anyway, what matters is what's beyond the skin right?



    Deciding whether or not to get a tattoo or piercing is simply a matter of personal choice... choosing where to have your tats or piecing done should be considered. It should be clean. Whether you go for the needles or the gun, make sure that it's not just sanitized BUT it should be NEW. It is true that there COULD BE medical risk involved(esp for diabetic) during or after having tats but it's also the same with piercing. (mas risky pa nga eh).

    For tats, Choosing a design should be well thought of, not just a spur-- of the- moment thing and DEFINITELY "just because i like it" is not enough reason. Designs should be your own choice, never ever let other people decide or EVEN SUGGEST.


    i admire people with GOOD tats, i have one myself... i'm not into piercing though. But i equally have the same respect for both arts. It's a form of self expression that i think we are all entitle to. It doesnt make one look "dirty", it's a matter of one carries it with confidence... For those who don't like it.. oh well..to each his own :)

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