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Posts posted by sweetie

  1. A,


    Can we still be friends?


    We can't play this game anymore, but

    Can we still be friends?

    Things just can't go on like before, but

    Can we still be friends?


    We had something to learn

    Now it's time for the wheel to turn

    Grains of sand, one by one

    Before you know it

    All gone


    Let's admit we made a mistake, but

    Can we still be friends?

    Heartbreak's never easy to take, but

    Can we still be friends?


    It's a strange, sad affair

    Sometimes seems like we just don't care

    Don't waste time feeling hurt

    We've been through hell together


    La la la la, la la la la la

    Can we still be friends?

    Can we still get together sometime?

    la la la la, la la la la la

    Can we still go on and on and on and on?


    We awoke from our dream

    Things are not always what they seem

    Memories linger on

    It's like a sweet sad old song






  2. share ko lang peeps.. ganda eh..


    The Serenity Prayer


    God grant me the serenity

    to accept the things I cannot change;

    courage to change the things I can;

    and wisdom to know the difference.


    Living one day at a time;

    Enjoying one moment at a time;

    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

    Taking, as He did, this sinful world

    as it is, not as I would have it;

    Trusting that He will make all things right

    if I surrender to His Will;

    That I may be reasonably happy in this life

    and supremely happy with Him

    Forever in the next.


  3. You said two heads are better than one,

    But what’s the use of the other,

    If it will only withhold the thinking?

    As you walked before me to shield me from harm,

    But it was you who hurt me instead.

    When you gave me everyday your shoulders to cry on,

    Where were they when I needed them in dire?

    As you took me by the hand and watched me closely as we walked,

    It was you who stumbled along the road.

    When you build me up to be strong and stand up with every blow,

    It was you who broke in the gentle brush of the wind.

    As you told me to be tough to brave the storm,

    It was you who corroded under the rain.

    You said you love me and will be with me,



    But your actions are mute to how much you mean those words to me.

    I thought only one’s passion sink in,

    Leaving a mark in you being.

    But then words can succumb even deeper.

    Causing wounds not even time can heal…

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