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Posts posted by chunkyhunk

  1. That's ONE complaint.


    Count the number of complaints against Canon then multiply by 10.


    Nikon doesn't even HAVE after sales support or service center here, since all the units brought in for repair are sent to either Singapore or Hongkong by Columbia. Guess how LONGER that takes.


    Nikon is still playing catch up.


    Why do you think more people prefer Canon? I've been to several shoots, and most lensmen have Canon cameras both as their main and backup.


    Pound per pound, the two brands basically have THE SAME features.

  2. Yes, but its one thing if we amateurs say it, and it is another when someone who makes a career of it says it. Martellaro is infinitely more credible than you or I.


    True. The difference is, even most amateurs like you and I KNOW this is not easy to exploit, because we do keep tabs on our favorite OS.


    I do have programming (engineering) background as well. I'm not saying I'm an expert, just that I understand enough.


    Am I missing something here or isn't the author actually talking about Mac IT administrators and IT-personnel managed macs rather than "the average" desktop users?


    As I mentioned to you before, a "hacker" won't target the everyday user. The hacker would have to look for an specific user, and he must have left himself bread crumbs in that user's Mac (meaning, he's had low level access) just to find that user online.


    hi guys, another question here... is there a way for me to convert an animated gif file into a movie file?


    I think you can open a .gif animation in quicktime (if you have QT pro, you can simply save it as a movie. Or, open it in imageready as a layered file and convert it into a movie.

  3. Gundam wing endless waltz:


    1/100 HG wing zero custom 1,400

    1/100 HG deathscythe hell custom 1,400


    Are you at Manila? I'm interested in the 1/100 MG Wing

  4. Any stores still carrying models from the Gundam Wing series?


    There's a few DeathScythe's every here and there. Try Toy Kingdom.

  5. If you haven't gotten it yet, set aside about 4-5 months of free time in order to file, primer, paint, and assemble the headache inducing, duling making SOB. Too many small parts parts, needs a lot of work, but in the end it's worth it if you did a good job.




    I don't paint, actually, but I might with the Wing Zero.

  6. Are the GN-00 1/144 designations different from the 1/100?


    The kits I have assembled so far are the Exia (01), Dynames (02), Kyrios (03). The virtue is designated as 04, and the Astrea is 05 (I'm supposing this is an upgraded model of the Exia since they basically look the same). I'm planning to complete these.

  7. guys i havent upgrade my 10.5.3 to 10.5.4,is it better that i keep using the 10.5.3 or upgrade?due to the reason of in the ARDAgent security hole



    That hole is not easy to exploit. It needs a computer that is one for quite soe time in one location. If you move yours around and don't stay logged in for long and you don't go clicking away at attachments you don't know, there should be little to worry about. Besides, 10.5.3 or 10.5.4 it is still there anyway.


    That is like someone trying to exploit a hole in your socks to infest you with fleas. Hw knows the hole is there but he will have to get you to remove your shoes first. And you don 't remove your shoes for just anyone right? Well, maybe the TSA.


    This is what I meant by the hacker having to know where to look first. Unless he's had access into your Mac and have left himself breadcrumbs, no hacker can easily find you amidst the sea of IP addresses.

  8. ive got mac the ripper, what i need now is to convert its files to mpeg 4 for itunes...


    any suggestions? links?


    also i plan on changing my hdd, to 320gb up...how to go about it?


    You can use iMovie to import the ripped movie and export it to mp4.


    Before upgrading, what Mac do you have. You have to check if it can handle 320 gig. Otherwise, I suggest you keep your old hard drive and just use an external firewire enclosure. There's a few available combo FW/USB enclosures at CD-R king (hi-speed "brand"), but you'll have to check the branches because not all of them have it. I got mine at the Ayala MRT. I think there's one in glorietta or park square1.

  9. they're unassembled, the boxes are open though but the runners are still sealed inside their plastics. I'll post some soon


    Don't forget the prices and description. Will yours be cheaper as compared to those sold at malls?

  10. Well, just to share a bit of history--and betray my age in the process, the first Mac-related (and the biggest) epidemic was the NVIR infestation which liked to infect the resource forks of pre- OS X files. I remember being asked to fly from my office at Apple Far East in Hong Kong to eradicate an infestation in the editorial offices of the Times of India in New Delhi. They were on OS 4.7.1


    This thing spread like the plague. Every floppy, everynetowrk volume that is infected would infect an uninfected host machine upon boot and would announce its conquest with a system beep. Then the host slowly starts slowing down as files sizes are increased until all you have left is one system crash after another and pre-OS X Macs can crash in spectacular fashion even displaying a graphic of an old fashioned round bomb with a lit fuse in what is now known as a blue screen, green screen, or kernel panic notice.


    But all that was needed as a clean startup floppy (yes, the OS would fit in all of 800k, even 400k if stripped down), about 24 lines of Pascal code, and all would be well. I owed a lot of my travelling on first class to NVIR.


    I experienced nvir on the tail-end of the infestation. There was also System 5 and 6 "mutations" of the virus that actually attacks the directory file, but my memory of it is sketchy.

  11. The thing is... the longer that hole remains unpatched, the longer these mac hating hackers can exploit it properly. And contrary to popular notion, hackers doesn't even need to specifically target a particular computer among millions in order to hack into that computer. All they have to do is run an automated program to do it for them. Next thing you know, your machine could become a spam sending 'zombie', all without your knowledge and the hacker without even knowing he's even targeting your machine.


    Oh, they have tried. Theoretically (or even realistically) what you say is true. And we should really be worried. The thing with Mac users is we don't really "target" each other because of, let's say mutual respect for one another. It takes a Mac-hating hacker to do that, and though you are right that they don;t need to target a specific computer to exploit the hole, they will still have to look for the hole in the targeted computer.


    As I understand it, the hole is not in the same place between computers, unless of course they already know where to look.

    Hence hackers target mostly server systems and not individual computers.


    So far, we've no Mac-related "epidemic" as damaging as the "I love you" virus. Imagine that, an email that exploited the very weakness of Microsoft's programming.


    The last Mac epidemic that cause "major" headaches was the AutoStart worm back in the late 90s. That worm didn't even target then OS 8-9, but specific files with image extensions.

  12. I disagree. Most holes are hard to exploit anyways and it takes a good hacker to properly exploit these (in all OSes - except Windows). But combine a good hacker with a "dumb" user and you have the recipe for disaster.


    While boomouse's advice is good (don't download suspicious programs), it doesn't always work in reality as most people doesn't really follow it. Especially when you have this mind-set that you will ALWAYS be safe no matter what you do. It's like saying you'll dare to go in that dark alley with a stranger because you have that anting-anting you wear around your neck that will protect you from all harm.


    That's the point actually, art. MOST Mac users are wary of "unknown" software. Sufficed to say, we don't have much "dumb" Mac users. I read a survey somewhere that most "smart" people choose the Mac, not to say that windBlows users are dumb. They can't be dumb, since it's an amazing thing they do with all those tinkering.


    Besides, a hacker must really be mad at a Mac user to even initiate an attack, and he would have to figure out WHICH Mac amongst millions online he has to attack to specifically target that hole.


    I think that's where Mac users have the advantage. We've only one "hole" that you will still have to look for when you've managed to find your target, whereas all you have to do with WindBlows is send an email.


    Not to be overconfident, we're still "safe" even with that hole.

  13. But didn't it got patched before (10.4.11)? And was later exposed again? What I'm trying to say is - it is possible to patch it... just wondering why it's taking this long.


    Leopard is an altogether different "species" from Tiger. As far as I know, it's developed "from ground up."


    As far as the hole goes, you won't hear any low-level Mac user complaining about the hole, because one has to be a high-level hacker to exploit the hole to begin with. Aside from that, even with the hole present, a hacker will have to know where to look and what to look for, because the hole is NOT that easy to exploit.


    Also, you'll have to look for holes in the Mac OS, whereas you can expect it from Windows. I was more wary when I'm booted on Windows via bootcamp than I am on OS X.


    I'm still on Tiger, so technically I'm safe. I haven't upgraded to Leopard yet because of the incompatibility issues with Adobe CS3.

  14. I'm planning to sell gundam models, if there's anyone interested in any model


    Post them here. Are they still in boxes or are they already assembled ?

  15. nice job on the kyrios...is this a 1:00 or 144?


    1/100. I've had it with the 1/144s. I want more detail and challenge. I'm basically "saving up" for the 1/60 PG Wing Zero.

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