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Posts posted by Hekate

  1. Seems like game fees have gone up. No problem about that, since it's not a piece of cake to maintain one.



    How long are the scenarios being played in masada? The last time I played there it was 30 minutes.

  2. I'll be stopping by vaporcrave today. I hope the labels of those juices aren't hard to read.

    On another topic, I checked one review of the rx 2/3. Is this available locally already?

  3. I'm sure everyone has experienced this.I went to my usual vape shop to buy a bottle of uberclouds appblecrumble. When I got home my wife told me it was melon poppsies. The problem with the labeling of some brands is that it is difficult to read. I spoke to the seller yesterday about it and although he is supposed to be aware of this, even he gets the flavors mixed up simply because of the color, the font, and the overall design. Don't get me wrong I'm not putting uberclouds down, I hope they can address this so this kind of slip doesn't happen.

  4. Been using the voidray for two weeks now. Current build is 7 coils of .5 mm kanthal, .57 ohms, 25 watts. Regardless of the cloud production, the flavor comes in a warm not hot manner and I can taste the flavor without any aftertaste.

  5. @Hudas


    I got my Haze for under 1k.


    Additional note: my atty doesn't sit flush on the deck of the Voidray. With the Mad Hatter, it does. Kinda annoying for anyone who wants a flush fit but it doesn't affect performance.

  6. Recently got an Encom Voidray from VaperCrave. I've been using it for six days and enjoying the vape. Since this mod is quite new, it's hard to find pros and cons about it. I have yet to encounter any problems though there was one instance where it shut off on its own. As it has not happened again yet, I cannot say that there is a glitch. Anyone else who own one had the same experience?

  7. Hey, i need insights here. Just recently bought a Kangertech dripbox starter kit. Got it at around 2.5k? It's quite good. But I really want a more cloudy vapor. Any ideas on how to tweak my dripbox?


    And if ever, is it better if i just buy another one that can really make serious clouds? If so, can you recommend one?


    Thanks sa sasagot! :)



    Heyy! Is this good for cloud chasing? Like really big clouds? Can you suggest other options? Thanks


    From the folks that I have seen using this kit, they get good cloud production but most of them say they like it because of the flavor they get. I have tried it a few times and I would get it mainly because I can really taste the juice. This is relative of course and yeah, there are other tanks that can do better.

  8. Welcome and thank you sir for visiting us! For kits and supplies, my favorite is still Lil's over at Parksquare, MCC but they do have an outlet in Megamall basement. For decent 1/35 armor kits, I would recommend the latest DML/Dragon kits which lately have included photo etch, magic tracks and aluminum barrels and cost between P1000 to P1300. If you want something a bit cheaper, look at the new Trumpeter kits, they usually sell for a little less than the Dragon kits. Of course, for superb kit engineering, you can't go wrong with Tamiya, which cost a little more than the DML/Dragon kits but are simpler to build. If you have any questions, especially on aircraft kits, Herr Boelcke and steiner often drop by and share their wisdom with us. Hope to see you here more often sir!


    Thanks for the information sir! I was taken aback a little when you quoted the prices of today's 1/35 armor kits. Before, that amount of money would have bought me the kit as well as the paint I would use. I'm also pleasantly surprised to see photo echn is now part of the kits. Before you had to buy them separately or make them on your own if you can.


    OT, I've been trying to access the hyperscale website. They have some good links to models and advice on building as well but all I get is a 404 error. Do you know the new url? Thanks again!

  9. ^ Greetings sir. I believe this would be my first post. As I mentioned in the Airsoft thread, I'm thinking getting back into this hobby while the gun ban is being enforced. I haven't visited any hobby shops so I'm quite in the dark as to the prices of model kits. Would you know how much 1/35 scale kits for tanks cost nowadays?

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