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Posts posted by LostCommand

  1. Manager and troubleshooter. When the cards are down and hell is about to break loose, (example, no more gasoline available for Manila, and Manila only has 18 hours to go before drying out) they call me to cover the duty. If there is a problem, the odds are high, the solution is not sure, and somebody has to take the gamble, it is usually me who does. Usually, I have a tendency to win. I have a hard time working with those who do not take their chances. The best part of it is, when we win, my men are all behind me and throw a party, and if we do lose, my men never abandon me and some even take the blame to help save my sorry ass.

  2. Moon Bourbon, I was just looking for that poem by P Neruda in my scrapbook, and I found it written on a page creased from reading and heavy memories. Time and distance do not blur the pain still plain to see in the etched scrawl.





    "Forgetting is so long"

  3. I posted this somewhere, damn I forgot where. Forgot the author too, but I memorized this one by heart years ago. It remain one of my favorites.

    This one goes out to the forgotten soldiers out there who belong to another age, yet go about their duties here and now because it is not in them to do otherwise. May you recover the Shards of Eternity that are hidden within these blasted and broken mortal realms, and in putting these together, may you realize that victory is inevitable, even if it was not given to you to see it.




    Over the night that covers me,

    Black as the Pit from pole to pole

    I thank whatever Gods may be

    for my unconquerable soul


    In the fell clutch of Circumstance

    I have not winced nor cried aloud

    Under the bludgeonings of Chance

    my head is bloody buy unbowed


    Beyond this place of wrath and tears

    looms but the horrors of the Shade

    Yet the menace of the years finds

    and shall find me unafraid


    It matters not how straight the gate

    How charged with punishment the scroll

    I am the master of my fate

    I am the captain of my soul



  4. Profession: Chemical Engineer

    Position: Plant Operations Manager, multinational oil company

    Location(s): Batangas; Makati; or wherever the bosses send me

    Age:30, single, (potah, alang cute sa planta)

    Schools: AteneoGS/PSHS/UPDiliman


    Hobbies: Photgraphy; serious offroad driving; drinking; and ****ing

  5. To find out how the world ticks,

    and then to make it tick better


    To dream of how things should be

    and to share that dream with others


    To use the swords and armor we were gifted

    and not to rust uselessly as others struggle


    To find stray shards of eternity within this mortal realm,

    and not be misled by what is merely transitory.


    To fight for these,

    and not to count the cost

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