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Posts posted by xays99

  1. Protesting the death of Floyd is one thing but looting, vandalizing and damaging property are another thing. These crooks should be punished by the police with extreme prejudice.


    You got all those people out there that are just looting and doing all those extra stuff. Idiots breaking into stores.. Well guess what? When they lift the quarantine measures and open the stores back up, the dumbasses that rob the sht out of those stores won’t have anything to shop in those stores when they open back up and that’s if they open back up. If they’re robbing those stores like that in your neighborhood then how the fk are people gonna shop for food for their kids? They live in the moment? Yeah that moment ain’t gonna feed anyone. With small business being closed and most are permanently closed, it’s baffling how stupid people are. Ya we gonna run out of food. Dismantling the police without a solid replacement will only make more business pull out of those area. And that’s gonna make people more angry and crazier. That’s when sht really hits the fan and I hope I’m wrong.



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