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Status Updates posted by magnuz

  1. I'm all fired up!!!

  2. OKC 1 - 0 HEAT

  3. Nice new avatar.

  4. Finally can relax a bit.

  5. "When the furor has died down and this political storm has subsided, I know that like the lady Justice we shall find solace in the fact that this decision, though maybe not popular, was fair, impartial and just." -Senator Bongbong Marcos

  6. I look familiar? I'm not sure if we know each other..

  7. Have a nice day everyone!

  8. Just dropped by to say HI!

  9. Insanity workout!

  10. Caelitus Mihi Vires!

  11. Stressed out...

  12. What up guys (and gals)!

  13. Happy New Year!

  14. Happy New Year Everyone!

  15. I'm hungry... wonder who I can eat? hahaha

  16. Lost my phone... it sucks...

  17. Thanks for approving friend request!

  18. Hope to attend the MTC 8TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY!!!

  19. Have a nice day!

  20. Have a nice day!

  21. Been busy... Finals... Whew! next week is a time for rest...

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