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Posts posted by dixiechiq

  1. I miss you bei.. Somehow, I hope you miss me too. I know we don't talk anymore. And what we had meant so much.. I don't know what happend with you and me being friends. But i hope you are happy. Please be happy. I'm still inlove with you.

  2. I tried to hold on and still work out with what's left of trust and the relationship. His guilt was just too much that he just had to hurt me again to push me off the relationship forever saying he doesn't wanna hurt me more. yeah i know sounds crazy. so we've just decided to let each other go. All i can say is that I TRIED to save what's left of it but he just saw me through for the first time. that i was willing to forgive him anything. stupid but thats the way i saw it. anyhoos, wala na. moving on...

  3. everytime he calls in to tell me what's up.

    everytime he asks me if i want to go out with him.

    everytime he tells me he missed me.

    everytime i feel like he's still mine... even for a minute.

    everytime i see him smile

    everytime i whisper sweet nothings to him and he likes it

    and everytime we just sit and talk and smoke and say it's all gonna be alright. :)

  4. Dear bei,


    do you even remember the last time we had a real meaningful conversation about us? Sometimes i feel so selfish for wanting you to be mine again. I know we can be good friends. We are decent enough for that. But, i know we can be better if we are also more than friends. This world, my world is a better place with you. I miss our laughs or the times when we could just sleep and not care about the whole day. or the way we can just argue all the way and just find ourselves understanding that we just really needed to get it all our of our system so we can be fine again. we love the same food, same colors, same music, same interests.. we just cant love each other again.. at least that's what you said. I know you are not the most perfect person in the world because there's no one perfect. But i do know that we both have come to that point where we are both home to each other. that u an i? we can do better. we can be better. if only there can be another time, another chance for us. but i guess that until then, i'm gonna hang in here, holding on to what we had. holding on to my dear life. wishing and hoping that you would come back. i still love you. more than words can say. please dont let me stay out in the rain too long. you know that i'm not going to make it. i never regret the day i went to the girl's place to fight for you. i guess i just saw how much i love you. and what i am willing to give to have you back. i trust you bei. with all my heart. and i wish, God would just spare me a little more time to be with you.

  5. hay..kakaloka toh..kakabreak lang namen ng bf ko last sat!im free again!pero everytime na naiisip ko lahat ng mga pinagdaanan namen eh nalulungkot me..weird ba?hay..tagal ko na tong gusto pero iba pala talaga pag wala na xa..i feel lonely pero kelangan panindigan eh..hay.. :cry:


    Amen. Ditto.


    My god... minsan i dont know kung kanino ako galit eh. sa babae, sa kanya o sa sarili ko. sheeeet!

  6. Hi! i need some advice about photography. I recently got this canon400d. i'm still using the kit lens though. can u recommend good "sulit" lenses? here's my sample shots so far... by the way, these aren't edited yet. i'm not so good with adobe either. :P hope you guys can help me out :)





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