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Posts posted by dixiechiq

  1. ÜÜÜ


    I will not explain myself. I will not explain my posts. I will not let you harass my friends, and more so let you abuse your “position”. The personal jokes that me and few people here share is NOT YOUR PROBLEM. So if you want to really know who it is, I will state her name, but just so we’re clear, we’re through being acquainted. It’s distressing that you would have to approach MY friends for MY posts? When you asked me who it was, I clearly stated the answer. If you were waiting to hear something else then I’m sorry if I disappointed you. Just let it go. You are stressing over something that is clearly, not worth it.



    If I crossed the line by saying that she’s not worth it, SORRY

    opinion lang





    I pilfered through a lot of posts here and I must say, I may have been the dumbest girl in the entire “world”. No, I am not mad at you for dating Miss B, jeezus I’m actually happy. Seriously. It’s just that I was really worried about D and you had to say this and that and I kept asking about him and it’s been two weeks and the doctors don’t know? Hmm. Either you’re playing pretty cool and nonchalant about the whole health condition of your kid OR there’s nothing wrong. 2D echo my ass. I’m sure you can come up with something better to tell your “friend” on your rebuttal on that.


    Exasperating. That is what this is. Life in general. I mean, do you honestly know what the line “I’m falling apart” means? No I guess it’s not the same in our world. And I love you like my brother. Not that you asked for it but I gave it to you. The trust, the attention, the honesty, s@%t I even let you sneak a quick look inside my shirt! LOL yeah see, I can’t really get so mad at you because I have looked up to you like my Ahya and never in my entire life would I have imagined you hurting me like this.


    You know why I’m very concerned about D? Because I lost someone like him. And I don’t want you to even go through that phase ever. s@%t, now I wonder, why did I even bother to care. It’s not true.



    I think I found your song.





    Hindi tayo magkakilala pero para lang sa ikaaalam mo, matangos ilong ko. Kala mo ha. Lintek. Mata mo lang walang latay pag nagkamali ka ng paiyakin. Kahit tarantado yan, mahal ko yan. Sabi nga ni John Lloyd, “Ingat!”





    Could please stop being so guilty? Makes us think you are really all that. Jeezus. If you have a problem with me, then tell me. Don’t disturb people sleeping at 3pm just so you’d ask who the hell is “hipon”. ¿estamos claros? ¡Grande!


    By the way, I don’t really care who you are or who you are “with”. All I care about is that you stop this mess you made yesterday. FYI, I’m not exactly a fan of backstabbing bitches. Just my two cents worth. So go ahead and assume what you want, to each his own right? Whatever I post here, whatever you post wherever or “text” or “call” or PM or ym or email anyone anywhere I DO NOT CARE. Now go call your minions so you can sourgrape over this. Another topic for your so called deleted thread.



    I came from a Christian school.

    A Chinese Christian school.

    Just a thought.





    Is there something I should know about? Or I should just watch you the way I watch everyone else? I trusted you. Yes, that is in past tense. No mistakes there. You broke that yesterday. And as well as you know me, I have a limited time in giving someone an out. Nobody’s perfect. I’m not being self-righteous. But I guess, this is where I draw the line of being nice. Actually, this is where I draw the line for everything else that transpired in the last 20 hours. Let me know when you are ready to talk. I don’t feel like being a call center agent since I have been talking with people on the phone for the past, oh I don’t know, uhhh, 5 hours? I'm tired, my mind, my heart and my spirit.


    I sometimes wonder if I changed or if your needs in “friends” did. I’m baffled. We used to get along really well. Until “that” creature got in the way. I’m the nicest of them all, you know that. Tactless but nice. Ha! Walking contradiction at that too. :lol: anyway, I don’t give a hoot about who’s fault or at fault. I just do not want to discuss this anymore.


    I think I made myself clear yesterday. You do believe that what goes around, come around right? You told her. You told someone. Now that someone is squeezing the living s@%t out of OUR friends? Kawawa yung walang alam. Pati sila (please not the term) BINULABOG. Yung natutulog ginising pa! WTF? Gawaing tao ba yun?





    in one word, desperate.

    in two words, very desperate.





    Thanks. I owe you a kiss and a hug and a dinner and a.... yeah let's leave it like that.





    Hinay hinay lang kasi sa post. O ano? Ayan nag agulo ang masang Pilipino? Kasalanan mo to eh!



    kasalanan ko din weeeeh!





    Thanks for telling me all the buzz and scandal that has been going on. It was sort of a… rude stirring when I heard about a heartbreak, 2 curious Georges and a funny name. No I won’t say it anymore. Sounds weird e-v-e-r-y time. Haha! I love you and indeed your tail is very well hidden.


    It is not so often that I fall short of thanking you for being a friend but here I am, saying thanks. I may not be the brightest lightbulb of them all, but I am the superstar! :lol:





    I kept my promise. Ü






    We will not ask you anything BUT…………………


    Yeah.. you know that saying everything after “but” is bullshit? Nuninuninuini





    Don’t even think for one moment that you are not a part of all these posts. You are, and damn it, so is your girlfriend.

    Nice Ipod mini she’s using. Red. Is that mine? Ü


    No I never told her about it but I guess now SHE KNOWS huh? And it was never my intention really. She just happened to be the lucky girl who got a lucky time with me.


    f#&k it. You screwed up BIG TIME.





    I love you. Didn’t I tell you? It’s a different s@%t altogether but I hope my thoughts made my way to you.





    Asan ka na ba? Nag-aalala nanaman ako sayo…





    Thanks for being there every time. Promise hahanap kita ng may patch sa ulo. Kung wala, pag uwi mo, ako mag susuot non. Pagod na ako maging lapusera. Pero damn it these people are…… weeeeh!





    Hey love? So you found your way here huh? Thanks for understanding me. You have said the most beautiful words and I can’t thank you enough. I hope I’m constantly making you smile. I love you for being the guy who is always there to support me on my choices. You have proven your worth and trust me when I say this, 10 years with you is not that far. I’ll keep you here beside me for a while okay? Just let me know when you want me to just live in our world.



    The croissant tastes great.





    It pains me to write you this letter. You may not get to hear this from my mouth so listen carefully.


    What happened to us? We are fussing over a girl. I’m not even interested in her. She is your friend and I get that. But my goodness, we resort to this kind of “talk” because of a simple yet mean joke? Sorry.


    Sorry because things will never be the same anymore.

    Sorry because I can never go back to being “who I was” in your life.

    Sorry because I am tired.


    You know all the burdens I am carrying. You know all the problems. You know all my frustrations. You know. YOU KNOW. I vent out all my troubles at you. My heart cannot carry this much pain and burden. No, I am not another “that”. I would rather you take it up on me than POST IT on the random thoughts thread.


    I love you. My heart is weeping. And you have no idea why.





    s@%t you have been backstabbing me all the while… how rude.





    I know your secret sweetie!!! Ü wait till ALL of them find out about your so called identity. Go play with yourself honey. I don’t get it why you had to fool people anyway. So I guess you’d ask for load next time? :lol:


    Keep your disgusting pics to yourself. Oh wait, should i say your ex sire?





    You are right. Now, I am using all that advice you gave me. I snapped. Gwa ya kap siaw.




    Last but not the least


    t#ang%na mo ka, nag post nanaman ako sa mailbox dahil sayo. Hindi ba halata na simula nung august umiwas na ako dito? Naman!!! Ano bang problema mo? Dami dami ko na ngang gusto itigil dahil nag babago na ata ugali ko sa mga pinag gagagawa mo. Wala na nga room ko e! ano ba? s@%t I just wanna shut the hell up and not say anything here anymore but oh no…. you just had to push me. My life is my life. You cannot run it for me. I’m tired you silly monster. Stop haunting me. I’m trying to keep a low profile and look at what you’ve done? Leave me alone… I’m not yours. I’M NOT YOURS.


    You lost your footing when you started to lie. you make me sick to my stomach.




    I would've written the full version but... s@%t. i'm just too f#&ked up right now. Let's just leave everything behind. Copy paste nyo or whatever. Uso ang alternick. Gagawa nalang ako ULIT. Sige. Suspend mo na ako. Hell I care.


    Dixiechiq :hypocritesmiley:

  2. Dear brother,


    i'm so sorry i had to do this to you... to myself... :cry:

    i'm so lost.

    i'm so sad.

    my whole world is falling apart.



    sometimes, i dont even know why i have to show a flak of care or feelings for anyone... i'm so stupid. I'm always wrong. I'm almost as stupid as bart simpson. :cry:


    please dont hate me.

    i love you my 3 sweet brothers.

    but you are my favorite and you know that.


    i know i sound so dumb right now.



    lost even.




    ur only sister who never fails to make you smile


  3. Dear *fake* friend,


    I have known you for how long? few months? and it didn't shock the hell out of me when i found out how scheming you are. devilish may i say. i was in for a rude awakening when i saw his face shift from "not interested" to "please help me get laid with HER" when i started talking about YOU with MY boyfriend. <_< He then admitted how you have been replying "sweetly" to his sms. Everything started okay for us you know... Now wonder why i don't even wanna see you anytime soon. And yes, i broke up with him. I figured, why get stuck with a loser like him when having other (and better) bfs so much better. I do not need to pine for that shitty leech you just flirted with anyway.


    You make me sick. And no, i will not tell the other people we know of what you've done. But know this, you can have that guy. MY EX boyfriend. I never really loved him anyway. He knows that too. Otherwise, why would i sleeping in my room all day yesterday when i could've just went out with him when he asked me if i wanna meet up with him for world chicken and talk about things.


    And don't throw your Blair Waldorf drama hissy fits on me. It doesn't work. I don't even care who the flying f#&k you screw around with to get "attention" just stay out of my way because you make me heave every time. Really. "You know, for some people, they don't really want to be a home wrecker. They just wanna have more 'friends' ......"

    oh wait that's another load of bull you just said to me. :lol: seriously, get an effing life. stop stealing men from their wives, stop stealing bfs from your friends, and hey, stop stealing my ideas just so you'd sound interesting in others' convo... :sick: wannabe rich girl. <_< gold digger? nah. you can't dig gold from that bastard since he just basically asks me to get him this and that anyway. :lol: :P



    Love always,

    THE bitch in real life



    do you honestly believe he bought you that ipod with his own money?

    and does he really call you "baby"

    because it's inscribed at the back...

    yes sweety, that's FROM ME. :*

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