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Posts posted by slippeddisk

  1. You are to busy with more inportant things,

    And i seldom ask of your assistance,

    But i really need your help right now, desperately.


    Make me righteous,

    Bad is an understatement to what i did to her.


    i regret having to cause her pain.

    Apologies, I beg that she'd forgive me,

    For the lies, the deceit, the misuse of her trust.


    I have been so inconsiderate, let me sail the right path that i long to stay on. I want to have her back. Im begging.

    Let me have another chance. I soooo dont want to lose her.

    I need her. I love her.


    I dont want to be with anybody else. This I know with absolute certainty.

    Make her heart find a spec of faith on me to give me another chance of us.



  2. On Faith:


    When you come to the edge

    Of all the light you have

    And take that first step into

    the darkness of the unknown,

    You must believe one of two things will happen:

    there will be something solid

    for you to stand upon,

    Or you will be taught how to fly.

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