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Sir Galahad®

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Status Updates posted by Sir Galahad®

  1. You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere

  2. Playing "Hey Jude" on Loop. (Hehehe!)

  3. "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." - An author who kills all his characters, I mean George R. R. Martin (haha!)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Ang worry actually is that would he finish the books in his life.

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      sir g, true. ang kinakatakot ng marami, myself included eh kung matatapos niya ba yung 2 books in his life. sus malapit lapit na rin kasi siya eh. lol

    4. startoffbeat


      uuuuy walang ganyanan. maya matigok si GRR ng wala sa oras. hindi pa tapos ang kwento ng westeros.

  4. "When you have no more money but all your bills are paid and your refrigerator is fully stocked, you aren't broke, you are responsible." (Seriously though Poor ako ngayon hehehehe)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Yeah, but that was a large chunk on my pay. Hehehe!

    3. LordJaden


      Good insight! Whew! Akala ko broke ako, yun pala responsible ako!

    4. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Yeah, napupunta naman sa tama yung pera mo eh :)

      Puno yung ref mo may food ka

      Walang tawag ng tawag na naniningil ng bills hehehehe

  5. ♫ This boy's too young to be singing the blues... ♫

  6. Wow! Grabe yung bagsak ng ulan ah....

  7. The problem with being a bachelor... I have no more pressed clothes. All of them are in the clean laundry basket. Hehehe!

  8. State of Lawless Violence...

    1. startoffbeat


      I say f*ck it. I am having a good time, even while at work. I am happily being miserable right now hehehe.

    2. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      ...good morning


      watching the news and investigation is still ongoing. i pray for a true resolution and not just finding an escape goat.

  9. My Weekend officially starts TODAY! Woohoo!

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      good for you! happy weekend.

    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Thanks! Will be enjoying my weekend!

  10. ♪ My idea of a perfect Christmas Is to spend it with you In a party or dinner for two Anywhere would do... ♪ (Let's go Jose Mari Chan, hehehe)

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      hala sige magcaroling na tayo. day 2! lol. good aftie, sir g.

    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Hahahaha! 114 Days Before Christmas!

  11. Happy Friday Madness!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aries🌺


      Goodmoaning SG

    3. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Good Moaning Aries. Enjoy your rest and relaxation :)

    4. bigbaddann


      Kala ko sasamahan mo si Aries, Boss SG?

  12. ♫ Oh my Lord with the child's adoration Oh my lord There came great jubilation Oh my Lord And full of admiration They realized what they had... ♫ (In the style of Boney M, hehe)

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      hala sige magpakapasko feeling na ulit! (=^‥^=)

    2. startoffbeat


      hahaha kita niyo na! madali sa tenga ang music ng Boney M!

  13. Whenever I see girls and boys selling lanterns on the streets, I remember the child in the manger as he sleeps. (Hehehehe!)

  14. ♫ Pasko na, Sinta ko, Hanap-hanap kita... ♫ (Hehehehehe!)

    1. bigbaddann


      But before that... ♫♫ OKTOBERFEST NA!!! ♫♫

    2. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      sir g, halloween muna!

  15. It's just starting to sink in... SEPTEMBER na bukas. Hehe!

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      yep dapat na magprepare for halloween and christmas. lol

    2. Seta Sinestro

      Seta Sinestro

      Jose Mari Chan songs galore na naman hahah

  16. Put that thing back where it came from or so help me... Hehehe!

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      ouch! sorry naman po, sir. ito na po ow,nanginginig pa. lol. gandang hapon!

    2. jelly bean

      jelly bean

      Googooly Bear

    3. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Hehehehe... Good afternoon ladies. Naalala ko lang Monster's Inc. :D

  17. Look around about you and see. What a world of wonder, this world can be...

  18. Ang sakit... ang sakit sakit talaga... ng withholding tax. Huhuhuhu!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Para nga ako inaatake sa puso pag nakikita ko payslip ko eh ehehe

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      haha. sinabi mo pa. nakakainis minsan eh. and of course may iba pang mga gov't mandated contributions na maalis.

    4. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      @rb, kaya nga. sana lang kahit kaunti may improvements. pero things seem to be getting a bit more dire as time passesm

  19. Good Morning! It's back to the salt mines. Back to Reality, Back to Work! Hehe!

  20. Happy Monday Holiday! Woohoo! 118 Days Before Christmas!

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      g'morning sir g! it's almost september...

    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Yup... two more days! :D

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      kaya nga eh 29th na pala. ang bilis.

  21. When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine. ☼

    1. acedesade


      sir ano id mo? laro tyo hehe

    2. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      oh yeah! am walking on sunshine! =) good night sir g. =)

    3. Sir Galahad®
  22. Diablo 3 Game Marathon... I think my mouse is now busted. Ahahahahaha!

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