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Sir Galahad®

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Posts posted by Sir Galahad®

  1. Hmmmm ano nga ba? I would like to say vacation abroad way back 2013 but that was more for me than for her.


    An android phone? Well it isn't that expensive compared to an iPhone which costs around 50k (ouch)


    I don't usually give big gifts, although I give a lot of little stuff that when put together is really big... Hehehe...


    I guess it would be the phone then...


    But if we call intangibles, it would be my time...

  2. 🎼 All we have to do now
    Is take these lies and make them true somehow.
    All we have to see
    Is that I don't belong to you,
    And you don't belong to me.
    You've gotta give for what you take...
    You've gotta give for what you take... 🎶


  3. I'm impressed by the intellect that May has been showing. Which means a person is really defined what he or she is, and not what he or she does.


    I have seen and read a lot of threads like this... Falling in love with a PSP. Falling in love with a GRO. Falling in love with an MPA and then this thread. It means that society has painted a person by what they do, and they set rules for it. And it paints an ugly one. That they shouldn't be loved.


    It's a good thing that there are people who can see past through this. It may be a hard road, but I think it would be worth it. Sometimes these people are the hardest to love because of these roadblocks that also forces the woman to see herself that way and she denies that affection due to that feeling.


    In the end though... she is still a woman who deserves to love and be loved in turn.



    (Not to start a fight or something, but I got irked by one post that said to look for someone who looks like a therapist but is actually not. Is there a norm that defines what a therapist, or even a GM would look like. I'm not sure if that casts a positive or negative image. Hahahaha! No offense though, I get what you are trying to say.)

  4. "Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is going to come from. The next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that it's right around the corner, and you open up your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you just might get the thing you're wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it? Good. Now believe in it, with all of your heart."

    - Entire Cast (One Tree Hill, S05E13 - Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace)

  5. "That’s where it gets you. Thinking you had a choice. Love finds you, Son, you don’t find love. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, what’s written in the stars. A lot to do with the simple fact most women are smarter than we are. And wily. Your sorry butt never had a chance."

    - Gus (One Tree Hill, S06E01 - Touch Me I'm Going To Scream)

    🎼 Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world
    Around the world, around the world 🎶




  7. "I believe in true love. I believe in love at first sight. I believe love conquers all. And that doesn’t mean there’s not gonna be hard days or difficult things to deal with, because there will be. But finding that person who does it for you and knowing that person loves you back it just makes everything so much easier."

    - Haley James Scott (One Tree Hill, S06E23 - Forever and Almost Always)

  8. "I believe in true love. I believe in love at first sight. I believe love conquers all. And that doesn’t mean there’s not gonna be hard days or difficult things to deal with, because there will be. But finding that person who does it for you and knowing that person loves you back it just makes everything so much easier."

    - Haley James Scott (One Tree Hill, S06E23 - Forever and Almost Always)

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