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Sir Galahad®

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Sir Galahad® last won the day on September 18 2017

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    Computers, Sports, Nightlife, Games, Electronic Thingies

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  1. Am I the only one annoyed at people saying "plith"?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Thanks... feels like hearing the sound of nails scratched on a blackboard.

    3. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Yes, they use that instead of please... ugh!

    4. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      Nails on a chalkboard that's gotta hurt. I mean, the only exception would be speech impediments. But, and I say, BUT if some are doing that to look cute, they've got the definition of cute all kinds of wrong. =)

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