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Posts posted by gooei

  1. thanks for all the advice dudes :)


    yep shooting at a fast speed reduces blur, and ive tried leaning on walls, it works, and that's wat i usually do hehehe, but when i have nothing to lean on or prop the camera with or need to shoot at a slow speed, i try to do the tucking of the arms, but i still cant get it right.. guess i need to practise that more... and work on reducing my tummy a bit i guess.. :)

  2. mig22 & nooblet, tnx for all the infos on lomo.. so.. lomography is not a way of shooting using any type of camera, and ill need a lomo camera for it right? to achieve the lomo effect..


    the reason im asking about lomography is because i read somewhere that lomographers shoot without looking thru the viewfinder.. and i have this very old camera, a futura-s.. well its viewfinder is not thru the lense, i mean u dont see the adjustments u make thru it.. so i thot if i shoot from the hip with it, that would be lomography, but i guess not :) hehehe tnx for clearing that up guys..

  3. ...anyway, the photo shoot for the clothes was held inside a small boutique, the original background was a white cloth that was laid on the floor. i also used two 110 watts studio strobes to light this. i shot using RAW file format to give me enough color space to play around with. on post process, i selected/copied and pasted the image on to a new file with a white background. finally, converting it to CMYK mode @ 300 dpi and saving it as .TIF.


    oh i see.. but with the lights that u used, was the outcome good enuogh even without retouching in photoshop? tnx :)

  4. .......... About the fountain, so when you look at the picture... your eyes tend to focus on how the water was captured, right? I was hoping, that would be the effect of that picture on the person looking at it. that's great.Thnks!



    yeah, thats exactly how i see it, water first then fountain, etc :)

  5. hello anton572, honestly i dont know how id shoot that pic if i were in your shoes, ive never tried shooting during dawn or dusk yet.. tried shooting in rainy weather, but i haven't had the film developed yet so im not sure how the shot went.. the pic looks nice especially the way the sunlight peeps thru the clouds, wish the sky had more color, a bit more blue maybe but i guess thats how a cloudy morning sky naturally looks :) the silhoutte is great :)

  6. nice shot pnoize2k4.. the model is pretty cute too.. :) may i know how many lights u used for this shot? did u set up a light for the background, coz there's no shadow on it, tried to use a light a couple of times, i get shadows on the background here & there..

  7. Nazareth = wow, great subjects.. :) i like the colors of the 2nd photo



    anton572 = wish u had shot the whole fountain, the place seem pretty nice for d background :) i like the idea of the kid playing with the water :) maybe u should have put some candies near the fountain to lure the kid hehehehe


    Nazareth = wow, great subjects.. :) i like the colors of the 2nd photo



    anton572 = wish u had shot the whole fountain, the place seem pretty nice for d background :) i like the idea of the kid playing with the water :) maybe u should have put some candies near the fountain to lure the kid hehehehe

  8. a prof i know said before, hirap makachamba ng ganyang setting na maganda, lalo na pag nature ang subject :) kwento nya when he was younger, nsa isang tribal area sya, may 2 british photogs dun, for 3 days shoot sya ng shoot, yung brits just hung around, pauwi na sya tsaka lang nagshoot.. later on he saw the guys in national geographic magazine & their pics from that day, turned out they weren't happy with the look of the sky & waited til it looked perfect for them.. made him feel so amature daw :)

  9. hey, thnks for the comment. :cool: yah thought of that as well, when i was taking the shot...but if i shifted more to the left. iba na yun effect ng sun with the clouds and all.... and also, mas marami distractions, kasi masasama yun ibang tao who were there admiring the sunset. ;)...but, do you think that would be better? napaisip ako dun ha...



    overall i like the pic, its just that boat :) like pnoize said, the sky looks great.. kinda cinematic actually.. hmm di ko naisip yun a, yung may mga tao sa tabitabi.. mahirap nga pag ganon, plus your on a pier sigruo & limted ang pagtatayuan mo, unless ul jump into the water :)

  10. post-42143-1154361630.jpg


    Thanks for the warm welcome sir pnoize. Anyway, here's one of my fave shots i took at Manila Bay. Please do give some comments and suggestions. Would filters be of any help in this kind of scene? Thanks.



    nice pic, comment lang ha, im new rin sa photography, pero i think the composition is a bit heavy on the left side. sayang kung nasa right side yung araw... :)

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