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Everything posted by mikhailberis

  1. Anybody here using Linux? I've been using it for 5 years already, and since then I never felt the need to use a pirated windows installer on any of my computers yet. I was wondering though if there are any MTC peeps that use Linux on their computers as well (may it be servers, workstations, home computers, laptops, etc.). For those clueless about Linux, it's a Free Operating System that runs on a myriad of platforms (computer architectures) ranging from the most common x86 computers (Personal Computers) to high-performance server architectures (SPARC, Alpha, G5, etc.). It's an alternative to the most common operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Unix. There are a number of distributions free for download and use. No Strings Attached! So if you haven't given it a try yet, let's discuss it sometime so that we can spread the spirit of Free and Open Source software, and live "guilt free" of pirated installations! CHill...
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