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Status Replies posted by 123username

  1. We had a rough start, but when i tried to leave, he pulled me right back. And im glad he did. We aren't perfect. We are working through all our issues. We are willing to exert time and effort to understand each other and be more respectful of each other. 

    Saying good morning to him to start our day and goodnight to him to end our day is precious. 

    Being together while doing our own things, not talking but being aware of each other's presence is time well spent.

    Spending time in the day to talk about anything from the most mundane things to the most philosophical thoughts is exquisite.

    Hoping to have more days with him. Wishing for a lifetime together..

    1. 123username


      everything will be alright..:)


    Noon time ❤️❤️❤️
    follow me in IG  pm for link❤️❤️❤️

    time to reply now 😊

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