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Posts posted by wildswans

  1. Has the other party received the eviction notice?


    sir, i don't think the other party has received the notice as my parents just paid for the eviction fee and they were told that the other party will be given a 5 days notice before evicting them. i'm just worried that the other party might go into hiding that day to make it look that there's nobody in the house. i can't help worrying bout it since the other party have been giving my parents the run around and my parents don't deserved such treatment considering they're old already. the only fault of my parents was they have been too kind to the other party even when the check's were starting to bounce and my parents keeps giving him a chance hoping that he will be true to his word and at the same time avoid having to go to court. but things were unbearable for my parents already so they had no choice but to file a case against him. i just hope it will be over soon as this have drag on for a year already.

  2. hi there. i like to ask about eviction aka sheriff.


    is it standard procedure after paying the necessary eviction fee, the court will give 5 days notice to the occupants of the house to move out otherwise they will be evicted forcibly?


    what if the occupants of the house intentionally lock the house and go some place else but all their belongings are still inside the house para sabihin there's no one around that day, can the eviction group force their way inside the house? what will happen and what to do if the occupants intentionally leave the place lock with all their belongings still inside?


    any info will be highly appreciated.

  3. Once you get the evidence, you will have to go first to the Barangay if you and the culprit live in the same city. If you and the culprit live in different cities, you can go straight to the police who will assist you in drafting your complaint or you can hire a lawyer and go straight to the Prosecutor's Office.


    The case here if for "Unjust Vexation". The imposable penalty is imprisonment of 1 to 30 days and/or a fine not exceeding Php 200.00.


    However, if your car was damaged (e.g. scratched) in any way, you can file a case for "Malicious Mischief". You will have to get a repair estimate. The imposable penalty is imprisonment of up to 6 months depending on the extent of damage to your car.


    Hope this helps.


    the penalty is not that harsh pala. thanks.


    I would suppose that you also have a homeowner's association there that is in charge of the security guards. Why not ask them for help as well?


    we don't have any homeowner's association especially there are only 6 units here. i'll try to grab some evidence to see if my assumption is correct then decide what to do next. thanks.

  4. hi everyone, i have some questions...


    i lived in a townhouse and because of limited parking space, i had to park my car in a friend's unit just 2 units from ours. they vacated their unit already but don't have any plans of selling it kaya they let me park there. the problem is, yung mga nakatira sa tabing unit nila ay mga inggitero't inggitera parang di matanggap na nakikipark ako dun. anyway, i noticed that everytime my car is newly washed, nagkakaroon ito ng dumi the following day. like splash of dirty water, sometimes they bathe their dog infront of my car so when the dog wags its body tumatalsik mga tubig and sometimes may mga rat droppings pa.


    i plan to set up a hidden camera so i can be sure na sila gumagawa nun. kapag napatunayan ko na sila ang nagdudumi sa car ko, what should i do? report to barangay or sa police station? what kind of charges can be filed against them at ano parusa?


    p.s. talking to them won't yield anything good coz lalo lang nila sasadyain.


    any info will be highly appreaciated. :)

  5. umm, people, I believe wildswans already said he broke up with the girl last december. ( sorry friend ha, i hope you don't mind me speaking up for you :P ) so , although the discussion could probably be appreciated by other people in similar situations, its up to the mods to decide if they should close this thread :)


    thanks for the heads up, lene...


    yeah..we broke up last december 2006..but the pain haven't completely fade away after all this time. i'm getting there though as i feel i'm about 75% over her already. for some of you, it may be a case of her not getting over her ex yet as that what she led me to believe but looking back, there are instances and proof that she actually 2 timed her bf for me or other guys for that matter perhaps she's a player. btw, she and her supposed "ex" celebrated their 4th year anniv last month. anyway, i'm trying to put this matter behind me and looking forward to a brand new start. i'll just charge this to experience. thanks again to all those who gave me their insights especially to lene..thank you so much! :)

  6. 1. yes, there must be a deed of sale and have it notarized. this will bind both parties and the whole world with respect to your contract


    2. it is adviceable that a lawyer would draft the deed. it will be more personalized and the true agreement of the parties will be reflected.


    3. yes, study the consequences as to the taxes, the permits and registration with respect to the business and the sale of it. .


    ok thank you sir.


    selling a corporation or single-proprietorship business?


    it's a single proprietor business, sir.

  7. hello MTC Lawyers


    i'm selling a small business and an aquaintance of mine will be buying it. i will be including all the supplies and equipment for him to start it right away. i don't mind if he will use my business name and just opt for change of ownership but he plans to change business name as well so that's fine with me also. there will be no royalties or such thing involve as this is not a franchise so he has all the option to change the mode of operation and the money that will be involve here is the amount we agreed upon. my questions are:


    1. do we need to sign some sort of deed of sale(don't know if it's the right term) and notarized it?


    2. is it adviceable if i let a lawyer make the deed of sale or can i just grab a copy off of the net and just put the conditions i want and let both parties sign it?


    3. is there any thing that i should know regarding this kind of transaction?


    any info will be appreciated.

  8. the type of women you should avoid is the one who plays endless mindgames,this is a phase which a lot of young women ages 18 till the early 20's do in order to toy around their men in such a pathetic way.....asking open close questions, doesn't know what they really want to begin with and better,trying to be coy and conservative when they have been already around the red strip...i guess guys..once in your life you get to encounter this kind of girl and im sure you'd get burned


    i guess this is one of the reason why my recent relationship failed...it does hurt big time.



    avoid flirts/tease and liars

  9. we broke up already. actually, she broke up with me just when i planned to break up with her the same day.


    i caught her lying to me. someone close to her family saw us at a mall. she was so afraid and begin to get paranoid. she said that person would be invited to her sister's debut party and would surely talk about seeing us so she told me that whatever happens i should always remember that she loves me and the coming days would be a make or break thing for us.


    i was pissed at what she's saying coz instead of trying to fight for our relationship first, she's trying to bail out of it. she gave me the same reason again that she's afraid her mom won't let her go to school. she told me that, at this point, she can't survive without her parents. she can try fighting for me but only in words coz her parents holds her by her neck and she owes her parents her life.


    sure enough, judgement day came and the one who saw us told her mom about us. according to her, her mom was so pissed that she was slapped during the party and she felt embarrased to those who saw it. she claimed her mom confiscated her cp that's why she wasn't able to text me for more than 12 hours.


    the next day, she said she got her cp back coz she told her mom she was the group leader in some of her subjects and she's needed by her groupmates. my gut feel somehow tells me she's lying to me but i didn't confront her about it anymore. the next day, she told me she wasn't allowed to go to school anymore and what not.


    unfortunately, i found out she was indeed going to school and was just lying to me. it hurts me alot so i decided to break up with her but the next morning, she refused to meet me saying that she's not yet allowed to go to school. i sort of pressured her a bit and she got pissed so she break up with me thru text. i didn't tell her that i know she was lying to me.


    few days after the breakup, she tells me she misses me and wants to meet up with me if she's allowed to go to school already. i got pissed and told her about her lying to me. she said she didn't want to explain things anymore and i got a little pushy that she got pissed even more.


    i guess what happen wasn't that surprising anymore considering that she's been a bit cold with me few days prior to the break up incident.


    i was able to feel some sigh of relief that it's over and somehow felt good about it but as my anger slowly subsides, i'm beginning to feel the pain and i'm beginning to miss her already but i know it's all over already and i don't think i can trust her again so now i'm trying to pick up the pieces and trying to move on.


    btw, the gf of my ex-gf's ex's brother confirms that my ex-gf is still seeing the "ex". from what she said, sila pa daw and taken na daw yung ex-gf ko. she didn't mentioned about them breaking up and getting together so i guess she was two timing and i'm the #2. of course, i didn't let that girl know who i really am but deep inside my gut feel is telling me she just telling a half truth maybe coz i'm just in the denial stage..i don't know for sure.


    thank you for all your patience and time in giving me your piece of advice. i really appreciates it. :)

  10. Joie,


    sorry for the confusion. the date on the pic that i'm talking about is not the digitized one found in the picture itself but i'm talking about the "caption" option in friendster where you can say stuff about the picture you posted. if it were the digitized one found in the picture itself then i would've break up with her already with no 2nd thoughts.


    just want to clarify. :)

  11. just like to update you guys on what happened recently. i'm sure most of you will react bluntly but feel free to do so coz i appreciate those straight to the point advice rather than just to make me feel better but i hope you guys would understand my part. here it goes:


    few days ago, i carelessly miss sent a msg(regarding my prob) to my gf intended for a close friend so i had no choice but to talk to her about it.


    when we're finally face to face, i asked her point blank if she still goes out with her ex. she said no. i asked the 2nd time with a more serious tone and she said they last saw each other MAY 2006 on her birthday. i asked her again to tell the truth and she got somewhat irritated and told me if i were to doubt her then better not continue anymore.


    i asked her to explain about the secret friendster account. she went quite and asked what friendster so i told her about it including the pic. she said it's her ex who's controlling the account right now and not her. according to her, she and her ex knew each others passwords in friendster and email. when they broke up, her ex changed the password which prompted her to create a new one. she thinks that her ex wants her back coz he invites her out whenever there's a family gathering. i asked if they text or talk to each other alot. she said she only reply to his text. i got pissed and asked her why the hell she told me she's not replying him. she just kept quite. i don't know if she's just trying to be polite that's why she replies to him and told me she's not coz she knows i get jealous easily.


    i asked her when did they broke up, it was MAY 2006 and i was surprised coz we went into the relationship just last week of JULY 2006 so i asked her if i'm just a rebound guy. she disagree saying that they often had an on-off relationship during the latter part of their relationship and she's so sure of breaking up with him finally coz she didn't cry. she doesn't want her ex anymore according to her coz she's the one who broke up with him.


    she's quite most of the time during our conversation coz she said she was shocked. she's also dissappointed about the matter coz each time there's something good about to happen, something bad would come up to spoil it like she planned to introduced me to her sister then this thing came up making her think if we're really meant for each other or not.


    our conversation was cut short coz she still has class so we decided to continue it the next day and she planned to talk to her ex regarding it. i told her that if she still wants her ex back all she has to do is tell me honestly and i would just let her go without 2nd thought and she doesn't need to say anything rather than go out with him behind my back but she insisted she doesn't want him back anymore.


    the next day she hugs me real tight and cried coz she feels that i like to break up with her already and was ready to let her go then she told me she talked to her ex already.


    according to her, her ex wants her back. they broke up MARCH 2006 according to the ex but she remembered it was MAY. she got confused coz of their frequent on-off relationship so i don't know who's telling the truth this time. her ex wants her back coz the way they broke up wasn't that clear and he thought there's still a chance for them together. my gf told him all about his shortcomings during the latter year of the relationship and he said he can't change for her like that so my gf told him that she doesn't want him anymore and he just said "di wag".


    i asked her why one of the pic was dated during the 1st month of our relationship, she said she don't have an idea. she didn't even tell him that she has a BF already coz they didn't get to that topic. if she really don't want him back anymore then i'd think she's just afraid to let her ex know she has a BF already coz she's afraid what her bf would think that she has a BF already after a short span of time. same with, i think, why my gf wants to introduce me as a suitor first to her sister coz she said her sister might get surprise. maybe this is why she can't introduce me to her friends and family also coz they might think i'm just a rebound.


    i gave her the benefit of the doubt coz i feel what was presented was circumstantial evidence and as you guys have seen that i've been patience all along, i just don't want to do things hastily that i'll regret it afterwards. since i still love her, i'm willing to give her the chance to work on introducing me to her sister then family and friends. i'm just hoping that if she's doing something behind my back then it will come out. it's just a matter of time and maybe then i would have a solid evidence..


    i don't know if i'm being dumb, confused or what but i still feel something for her and i just don't want to regret breaking up with her in the end but one thing's for sure, i'm now more on using my mind in assesing the situation. i'm being more aware of the things surrounding the relationship right now.

  12. the reason that i thought of telling her what i've found out is because i want to have a basis or reason to break up with her. if i'll just break up with her and tell her because she still has hung up with her ex without any basis, she'll just accused me of making an alibi that she still has hung up with her ex. she'll just pass the blame on me. also, i don't like the breakup to be sort of revenge on her cheating or shortcomings.


    i just want to be clear that's all but i don't know if it will have any negative effect if i tell her that i found out what she's hiding and what will be the negative result will be that's why i'm asking.


    hope you guys understand. :)

  13. if i decided to break with her na, i should tell her the reason why right? that i found her secret friendster account and her going out with her supposed ex?


    i don't plan to tell her kasi that i found out about it by snooping around her email sent folder although she gave me her password without me asking.

  14. i did noticed that she's not into me and i know that she's not completely over her ex yet but what i don't understand is how can you guys tell that she doesn't love me? am i missing something here?


    i'm confused coz she can somehow love me right and maybe she somehow did or trying but since she haven't gotten over her ex yet then she's having divided attention...that's possible right? coz when you say that she doesn't love me and stringing me along, it sounded like manloloko talaga siya from the start.


    or is it just because she hasn't gotten over her ex yet and then jumping into a new relationship already and in turn, not being into me kaya niyo nasabing hindi niya ako love at niloloko lang ako?


    maybe somebody can enlightment on my query.

  15. We think its about not getting over her former lover is because the guy is still in the picture (yes, pun intended). Dude, you have so many questions and assumptions about why shes doing this and that, and frankly you shouldnt be bothered with it. As a man, you have failed to set your boundaries in the relationship. Thats why this girl has ended up playing games with you, and I doubt that youre having fun with it.


    Yama, what kind of boundaries are we talking about here? can you please elaborate? i can't think straight anymore.

  16. i'm curious, why do most of you think that it's about her not getting over her ex yet and not about her parents being strict?


    i admit that i really love this girl so i don't want to break up with her on the wrong reasons. i'm afraid she might just use firmly the reason that her parents are strict and i'm not an understanding BF, can that be the case here?


    all i have is her secret friendster account with a primary pic of her ex's arms around her and dated during our 1st month. i'm afraid she might just use the reason that she uses that pic to divert attention from our current relationship so her parent or sis won't know. she can also argue that the date she puts there is only a caption which she can change to any date she wants and is just use to also divert attention. is that scenario possible or am i just going crazy now?


    ma-pride kasi gf ko and very smart, since ako na nga yung hindi niya love, ayaw ko naman makipag break or magbreak kami na ako may kasalanan.

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