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Status Updates posted by SavannahBanana

  1. Endorphins make us happier. Both chocolate and sex help the body to release them. I don’t like sweets, but I need to be happy. Will you try another way with me?

  2. The sex was so good, that after it has finished, even neighbors went out to smoke.

  3. I’ve decided to stay in shape and I’ve heard that sex is the best form of exercising. Will you be my coach?

  4. I’ve tasted your lips in my dreams and when I woke up, I knew for sure what I wanted for breakfast.

  5. I wouldn’t mind having a weekend, full of passionate kisses, tender cuddles, and sexy words

  6. I miss you. I wish you were here, next to me. Naked, of course.

  7. Even if each inch of my body is pressed tightly against your body, I will still tell you “Hold me closer.”

  8. Be naughty with me because then I can spank you legally.

  9. You’re the best man on the planet! You are a gentleman, who holds my hand and the man, who pulls my hair.

  10. I want to kiss every corner of your body to express all love, which I have in my heart

  11. You share with me all joys in life: love, affection, care, attention and the most awesome sex I’ve ever had.

  12. To have you in bed with me, hearing your breathing, feeling your hands and smelling the scent of your hair is a miracle for me.

  13. I didn’t like candies at all, but when I tasted your lips, I became addicted to sweets because your lips are the yummiest thing in the world!

  14. I am a monster in bed because I can sleep for days!

  15. I can fall madly in bed with you because you are so sexy, that you can’t be ignored.

  16. Hey, baby! You’ve got new pants. I like them! Can I test a zipper?

  17. I hope you are enjoying your And I hope it is as sexy and beautiful as your lips.

  18. The most productive thing I’ve done today is dreaming about you naked.

  19. I have a crush on your mind and on your heart, but your sexy body is a huge bonus!

  20. You’re super hot! But not only your curves, eyes and lips make you so sexy. You exude sensuality the way you walk, the way you talk and the way to think.

  21. You’re super hot! But not only your curves, eyes and lips make you so sexy. You exude sensuality the way you walk, the way you talk and the way to think.

  22. My passion for you is intoxicating. But I’d rather be burned with desire for you rather than live my life without experiencing these awesome emotions.

  23. A fire inside me is burning brightly, kiss me and set me free from this thirst for your sweet lips.

  24. All I can think about when we are together is about your body on mine.

  25. It’s been a long day… All I need is your hugs, which you’ll give me in our bed... Hi babe See U here @My Place OKAYAMA WELLNESS SPA

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