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Posts posted by 50fd

  1. 50fd great words.


    Honestly, I can relate to Viz888 because I'm currently undergoing the same "situation". Never thought it would happen. Didn't want it to happen. That's why I'd go to thier respective places of work to have some fun with no strings attached. But then.. without warning.. WHAM!


    All the things you've pointed out are true if not accurate. That's why although I've totally lost my mind over this lady, Im just letting each day pass one day at a time. Don't really know how far this here road is going to take me but then again is anybody really sure of thier chosen route in this little hell hole called life.


    Yes, the frequent FRs you get to read on the side (when ur girls mentioned) does sting, especially when they are regarded with so little respect by such infantile males who call themselves men, and yes, these girls are really only doing all this for thier family (at least mine is). If you only get to see how they've sacrificed themselves for thier families well being..talaga it will blow you away. That's why I still regard her as a person "working" hard for love of family.


    Her insecurities regarding how serious I am will always be there given your earlier point, but then again, believing will only be up to her. Believe it or not since I started seeing her outside of work, never had I asked her for sex, guess I got passed that. sheesh...


    I don't know how long this relationship will last if it will anyway. But one things for sure. While we're together I will love her. Support her. And teach her about life. So that whatever may become of us, she can look back and remember that once long ago I geved her something that she thought she had already forsaken in return for her family's well being.


    The honest, repectful, sincere and warmth of a mans love.


    Thanks.. i guess we have something in common.. we have a soft heart regarding these hard working women.. i fall in love with mine because i saw her true self, i saw her heart. believe me i'm constantly giving her money whenever she needs it cause it kills me to see her cry everytime she has to do something she does not like. (and i know it's not acting) most of the time i don't let her know i saw her crying.. but i'm gettig off topic her..

    the point is we are in love, there's no denying that, but we must protect your self, give everything you could, but save some for yourself, (both financial and emotional.)


    The honest, repectful, sincere and warmth of a mans love.


    -- nice words, that's excatly what i gave. i hope yours does reciprocate what you are giving, (i'm not taking about sex, i guess you already know that) cause mine does not. still i continue to give. it's very hard for them to become totaly honest. they are surrounded with lies.. well that was before.. hey man good luck with your life. :hypocritesmiley:

  2. pag MPA ang GF mo...lets be honest na most of the time great professional sex performance lang ang reason for having her.  if love comes into the picture...be prepared to keep this in mind....are you in love enough to accepts that she gets gangbanged almost every day..?  Ako I cannot imagine having a gf like that coz siguro if nakataon meron akong gf na MPA igragrahe ko na sya for my exclusive use. 


    Unfair yata to say that you love and MPA and let continue her "gangbang" work everyday....parang toothbrush yan e...di ba ayaw mo naman i share yong toothbrush mo kung kanino....


    I am saying "gangbang" because I know an MPA gets to service at least 2 guys in one day up to more than 7 guys a day....imagine mo yon seven guys drooling over  and licking your gf...yucccckk..



    yup.. lalo na pag top ten! kaya nga if you feel like you truly love her, and you dont have the dough don't get into it get out while it's early. she will continue working to support whom ever, and that you have to live with.

  3. ist. of all. i would like to thank everyone who had voiced their comments and opinions on this matter. whether it is positive or a negative response i assure you it is highly appreciated. 2nd i do love this this mpa. and does she love me? after meeting for third time, when she came back from the province, we  became more attached to each other. the calls and text messages became more frequent. at work, it became more absenses and lest work. resulting in warnings from the management. and the things she said she doesn't do to other guest and absenses are true. because i do check up on her. i call the mp if she is really absent, i ask around if she does this or do that. things do fall in place. altough we always have great sex together nowadays it wasn't at ist. because she doesn't have the rep*tation for doing things for the guest and never have i read a thread here in mtc of her performances. she is not even assured of a guest when at work meaning zero. she's not so bad, if only i could show the picture of her in the nude inside my cp you would be impressed. so after a few days i ask her to stop working, which she did. i don't give her a lot of money. just for her needs. but sometimes had to shell out more for emergency family matters which is ok with me. she had already stop working when her last period came, so after three weeks of being together she complained of breast pains and recurring fevers. we both had a conclusion that she might be pregnant. being single it was fine by me and so too to her. but she had to travel to the province to attend to some matters. being new to the situation did not think that it would be bad for the baby. she travelled with the breast pains and slight fevers for the 18 hr. trip. the ist few days at the province it was still the breast pains and occasional fevers. but the other day she complained of stomach pains which got us both worried. and then the following morning she was bleeding. she text me around noon saying she had a miscarriage. we were both devastated. i really wanted this child and so does she. she got scolded by her father not because she got pregnant but because of travelling knowing that she is already on the way. we were not aware of the danger to the child. besides, the trip was already scheduled 1 week before. she is now resting in the province, she'll be back after the bleeding's stop and fully rested. meanwhile i asked her to file her birth certificate. i would like to marry her in the near future, so the birth certificate is a must. when she comes back i'm going to bring her home, to cut on the expenses. she agreed to this. i've already told her what to expect , i told her what she sees is what she'll get. i told her i don't have a job right now so we have to try keep the expenses down. i told her that we cannot always help her family. we must save for ourselves and our future family. all of this she said she understood. which made her more dear to me.  i know that some of you guys think i am nuts. but we should also think that these persons (mpas/gros/escorts/others) are not really bad persons. they just got into the business for the quick buck which we gladly give. i know for a fact that many of these girls are supporting their child. which is worst, she being a whore or the person who got her pregnant and then abandoning their child. sorry for being brunt but this is a fact of life. i too, got someone pregnant not knowingly, but tried my best to help the child in her time of need. she was born with hole in her heart and had to be operated before her ist birthday. she is 4 years old yesterday and is now in canada. but that's another story.




    Wwoooooooooooooohhhh i must say wwoohh..... after I’ve read your story I’m compelled to share my view/opinions and personal experiences, thoughts whatever that might help you out.


    1st I’ll share some thoughts, MPA’s/GRO’s are human can yes they can truly love you, and you can also love them back. But mind you it would be VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY HARD!!! And also COMPLICATED. I totally agree to what you’ve said and I believe most people also know that these women or at least most of these women went through this kind of job/business because they need MONEY, to support family, kids, relatives whatever.. most of them don’t like there job and would instantly quit if they have money. And as humans yes there are occasionally some who also love there job and somewhat proud of it.


    2nd I’ll share my experience, yes I’ve also fallen truly in love with a MPA/GRO, some went almost 2years. And these is what I’ve learn, you must truly accept what she does and her past, EXPECT THE WORST and try to ACCEPT that. If she’s a GRO/dancer expect her to have done it with hundreds of men, and do not think na table lng or sayaw lng and ginagawa nila, especially if she’s in the business for quite some time already same with MPA’s. If you can accept that SEX is her JOB or part of her JOB you’ve pass stage 1.


    Next thing I learn is that women became GRO/MPA is because of LOVE. Yes LOVE for their children/ family or friend that they are willing to sacrifice themselves (na kahit babuyin katawan nila) just to help/raise their love ones. So talking about love now you must gauge her love towards you. Which comes first?? YOU?? There will be a SLIM chance that she would LOVE YOU or CHOOSE YOU OVER HER FAMILY. (just imagine the sacrifice she gave to her family). This is a BIG DEAL my friend why?? Because that if you want her to quit you must provide her needs, and also provide the needs of the people that are dependent on her. If you do not SATISFY their needs, I’ll tell you she will go back to work and she will be “Working Hard” even if she loves you even if she loves you as much as she love her family/kid/s. I’ll tell you she will even if you gave everything that you could once you’re out expect it to happen. why because she needs to survive and people are dependent on her and there are no other option for her. UNLESS SHE LOVES YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING. that she is willing to give up everything including the people she love and have sacrifice her self to. (Very Hard)>>>


    Also I must say that u must find the reason why she loved you and vice versa. Does she love you because you’re kind to her and perhaps only one of the few people who’ve been kind to her? Is it because u can provide for her? Is it looks? And on your side why do u love her and are willing to look beyond her job and accept her fully? Is it sex/pleasure? (I sure hope not) well u must find the true reason and be sure it is NOT SUPERFICIAL!


    3rd I guess this is going way too long (I hope you don’t get bored) so I already must give some personal advice.


    I can see you can’t still fully accept her job, because you ask and do detective work on her. I might be wrong and maybe your just curious.



    As you’ve mention you don’t have a job right now and I don’t know how mush you’ve save but I suggest you must first establish yourself being capable of supporting her and her family. Just to avoid financial problems. And I’ll tell you that is very hard. (also truly loving her would mean caring for her family)



    Find some better reason like chemistry or something something that will last.


    4. (I agree with hitman) ALWAYS HAVE AN EXIT PLAN. ALWAYS.




    Be prepared to be talk about by your friends, family, business partners, they will be talking some nasty stuff about you and your girl. Some might look down on you, some might not accept what you do (specially your family), be prepared that one of your friend, friends or brother or what ever might have avail her service. These are just some of the things that can easily change and you must be prepared for.



    Think about yourself always, never forget about yourself.





    And ever if she really do remember it can change, know how strong it is.


    I guess i went too long.. anyway wish you all the best man. plan carefully. :mtc: ;)

  4. ist. of all. i would like to thank everyone who had voiced their comments and opinions on this matter. whether it is positive or a negative response i assure you it is highly appreciated. 2nd i do love this this mpa. and does she love me? after meeting for third time, when she came back from the province, we  became more attached to each other. the calls and text messages became more frequent. at work, it became more absenses and lest work. resulting in warnings from the management. and the things she said she doesn't do to other guest and absenses are true. because i do check up on her. i call the mp if she is really absent, i ask around if she does this or do that. things do fall in place. altough we always have great sex together nowadays it wasn't at ist. because she doesn't have the rep*tation for doing things for the guest and never have i read a thread here in mtc of her performances. she is not even assured of a guest when at work meaning zero. she's not so bad, if only i could show the picture of her in the nude inside my cp you would be impressed. so after a few days i ask her to stop working, which she did. i don't give her a lot of money. just for her needs. but sometimes had to shell out more for emergency family matters which is ok with me. she had already stop working when her last period came, so after three weeks of being together she complained of breast pains and recurring fevers. we both had a conclusion that she might be pregnant. being single it was fine by me and so too to her. but she had to travel to the province to attend to some matters. being new to the situation did not think that it would be bad for the baby. she travelled with the breast pains and slight fevers for the 18 hr. trip. the ist few days at the province it was still the breast pains and occasional fevers. but the other day she complained of stomach pains which got us both worried. and then the following morning she was bleeding. she text me around noon saying she had a miscarriage. we were both devastated. i really wanted this child and so does she. she got scolded by her father not because she got pregnant but because of travelling knowing that she is already on the way. we were not aware of the danger to the child. besides, the trip was already scheduled 1 week before. she is now resting in the province, she'll be back after the bleeding's stop and fully rested. meanwhile i asked her to file her birth certificate. i would like to marry her in the near future, so the birth certificate is a must. when she comes back i'm going to bring her home, to cut on the expenses. she agreed to this. i've already told her what to expect , i told her what she sees is what she'll get. i told her i don't have a job right now so we have to try keep the expenses down. i told her that we cannot always help her family. we must save for ourselves and our future family. all of this she said she understood. which made her more dear to me.  i know that some of you guys think i am nuts. but we should also think that these persons (mpas/gros/escorts/others) are not really bad persons. they just got into the business for the quick buck which we gladly give. i know for a fact that many of these girls are supporting their child. which is worst, she being a whore or the person who got her pregnant and then abandoning their child. sorry for being brunt but this is a fact of life. i too, got someone pregnant not knowingly, but tried my best to help the child in her time of need. she was born with hole in her heart and had to be operated before her ist birthday. she is 4 years old yesterday and is now in canada. but that's another story.



    Wwoooooooooooooohhhh i must say wwoohh..... after I’ve read your story I’m compelled to share my view/opinions and personal experiences, thoughts whatever that might help you out.


    1st I’ll share some thoughts, MPA’s/GRO’s are human can yes they can truly love you, and you can also love them back. But mind you it would be VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY HARD!!! And also COMPLICATED. I totally agree to what you’ve said and I believe most people also know that these women or at least most of these women went through this kind of job/business because they need MONEY, to support family, kids, relatives whatever.. most of them don’t like there job and would instantly quit if they have money. And as humans yes there are occasionally some who also love there job and somewhat proud of it.


    2nd I’ll share my experience, yes I’ve also fallen truly in love with a MPA/GRO, some went almost 2years. And these is what I’ve learn, you must truly accept what she does and her past, EXPECT THE WORST and try to ACCEPT that. If she’s a GRO/dancer expect her to have done it with hundreds of men, and do not think na table lng or sayaw lng and ginagawa nila, especially if she’s in the business for quite some time already same with MPA’s. If you can accept that SEX is her JOB or part of her JOB you’ve pass stage 1.


    Next thing I learn is that women became GRO/MPA is because of LOVE. Yes LOVE for their children/ family or friend that they are willing to sacrifice themselves (na kahit babuyin katawan nila) just to help/raise their love ones. So talking about love now you must gauge her love towards you. Which comes first?? YOU?? There will be a SLIM chance that she would LOVE YOU or CHOOSE YOU OVER HER FAMILY. (just imagine the sacrifice she gave to her family). This is a BIG DEAL my friend why?? Because that if you want her to quit you must provide her needs, and also provide the needs of the people that are dependent on her. If you do not SATISFY their needs, I’ll tell you she will go back to work and she will be “Working Hard” even if she loves you even if she loves you as much as she love her family/kid/s. I’ll tell you she will even if you gave everything that you could once you’re out expect it to happen. why because she needs to survive and people are dependent on her and there are no other option for her. UNLESS SHE LOVES YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING. that she is willing to give up everything including the people she love and have sacrifice her self to. (Very Hard)>>>


    Also I must say that u must find the reason why she loved you and vice versa. Does she love you because you’re kind to her and perhaps only one of the few people who’ve been kind to her? Is it because u can provide for her? Is it looks? And on your side why do u love her and are willing to look beyond her job and accept her fully? Is it sex/pleasure? (I sure hope not) well u must find the true reason and be sure it is NOT SUPERFICIAL!


    3rd I guess this is going way too long (I hope you don’t get bored) so I already must give some personal advice.


    I can see you can’t still fully accept her job, because you ask and do detective work on her. I might be wrong and maybe your just curious.



    As you’ve mention you don’t have a job right now and I don’t know how mush you’ve save but I suggest you must first establish yourself being capable of supporting her and her family. Just to avoid financial problems. And I’ll tell you that is very hard. (also truly loving her would mean caring for her family)



    Find some better reason like chemistry or something something that will last.


    4. (I agree with hitman) ALWAYS HAVE AN EXIT PLAN. ALWAYS.




    Be prepared to be talk about by your friends, family, business partners, they will be talking some nasty stuff about you and your girl. Some might look down on you, some might not accept what you do (specially your family), be prepared that one of your friend, friends or brother or what ever might have avail her service. These are just some of the things that can easily change and you must be prepared for.



    Think about yourself always, never forget about yourself.





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