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Posts posted by mAIRj

  1. my opinion on this topic is that even if you don't want anyone makin a move on your girlfriend or wife, it's not you who will decide on the matter. :goatee:


    cos the thing is, it should come from the girl, that she be the one to tell whoever prick is tryin to move in that she's no longer available, thats she's committed or married already. :cool:


    but if your girl would allow the other one to do somethin, it's not your call. you're not the one who's gonna decide on that. its her choice and decision whether or not to entertain someone else. it's with how you're takin care of her that would be one of the factors in this... :hypocritesmiley:


    but if your girl tells the other that she's no longer available and he still persists, try talkin to him first and explain the situation and settle things peacefully but if he dont stop after, time to have the prick put away for good... :evil: :evil: :evil:

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