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munchkins and donuts

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Posts posted by munchkins and donuts

  1. Suggested Game Schedule (5 Teams)


    game 1 A vs B

    game 2 C vs D


    game 3 E vs winner1


    game 4 loser1 vs winner2

    game 5 loser2 vs E


    game 6 winner1 vs winner 4

    game 7 loser 4 vs winner 5

    game 8 loser 5 vs winner 6


    Suggested Game Schedule (6 Teams)

    First Come First Serve

    game 1 A vs B

    game 2 C vs D

    game 3 E vs F



    G4 B vs A

    G5 D vs C

    G6 F vs E


    Winner's Reward

    game 6 winner G4 vs winner G5

    game 7 winner G6 vs loser G4

    game 8 loser G5 vs loser G6



    nice system.. mapropromote both ang punctuality at competitiveness...



    haven't seen him play but you gotta love the kid's mentality and approach this early..




    True! Plus he didn't complain about landing to the sixers and is actually grateful despite his rants on his draft rank

  3. taking Norman's suggestion.. baka pwedeng hans will be included sa Lady eagles again instead of as part of the individual list. Kung walang Lady Eagles on a Wed night pero nandun si hans, mas madali pa rin naman sya maisama dahil kulang naman ng isang team...

  4. Celino Cruz sucks big time.. or better yet Celino Cruz sucks Jong's dick big time...



    Rich Alvarez is improving his game as a Gin King, sana next time wala na yung mga wayward three point shots nya...



    End game lapse.. tsk tsk..

  5. Sidebar Cafe in El Pueblo...


    There's a free comedy show every Wednesday by the Comedy Cartel.. Nope, not the kind you'll get in Klownz and Laffline... it's good... I'm there every Wednesday 'coz my friend is one of the comedians. I also do stand ups myself when I feel like it. It's an open mic so if you think you're funny, you can give it a try.

  6. Tama ba yung sked na nakikita ko? O inaantok nako. Mukhang di nag-rotate yung teams.


    Subtitutions, depende na siguro sa coach or sa napagkasunduan ng team according sa need/s ng team at that certain point. Yun nga lang, you wanna be competitive, you gotta put your best lineup out there. Pero since wala pa tayong paglalabanan kundi ang makalaro ang "ehem" ladies, eh experimental mode na muna tayong lahat. Rotate the lineup, or just divide playing time then laruin na ang laro. Enjoy the game!


    I-trade si Doc Ed at Vincent sa Eagles? Mukhang lugi ang team namin pag natuloy yun.


    Waived? Si Heaven alam ko may "waived clause" kagad pag sa Eagles itinapat. Di ka pa mawe-waived kasi wala ka pa yatang first move.




    buy out ng contract haha

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