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Posts posted by Manticore

  1. This has got to be the stupidest question but do indulge me, please.

    My friend is asking if it's healthy to have Bananas lang for dinner and lunch for a week.

    What is your friend's objective in doing that? If it's to lose weight, then he/she may lose a few, but not necessarily from excess fat. Once the week is over, your friend would gain whatever was lost when he/she goes back to his/her normal eating habits. Your friend is better off eating the way that comes naturally, and, if losing weight is desired, reducing the serving size just enough not to be hungry for the next 4 to 6 hours. This process maybe slow, but since your friend will be eating as he/she is accustomed to, it will be easier to maintain in the long term---where fat is ultimately reduced.

  2. how bout people like me that work during night shifts? We could not practice after six since we need to eat normally during midnight or 3am. I had a very hard time doing some exercise in the morning because of being exhausted. Any recommendations is very much appreciated?



    Whether you spend your waking hours during the day or night shouldn't really change your eating habits. Eat as you normally would during the day and space your meals exactly the same way. May I refer you to my earlier post? You might find something useful there. :)

  3. Key concepts for staying healthy when on a diet:


    Variety - you may find that it helps to eat different foods to keep your diet from getting monotonous, thus preventing boredom from curtailing your efforts at losing excess weight. Eat within food groups, as the vitamins and minerals derived from them vary. You assure yourself of adequate nutrition this way.


    Moderation - your goal is to provide your body with sufficient fuel to burn. Eat just enough to get you through the next 4 to 6 hours. Don't allow yourself to starve; when you're ravenous, your appetite will tend to go out of control. Snacks are an essential part of this regime, especially between lunch/dinner and dinner/breakfast. This will consist of low-glycemic fruits and other healthful food choices.


    Balance - it is best to have proportionate amounts from each macronutrient: protein, carbohydrate, and fats. No single food source should take precedence. They are all important. Just be careful of the kinds of foods you eat. You're encouraged to eat lean meats, fish and poultry, low-glycemic carbohydrates and essential fats. You must also distribute your meals evenly throughout the entire day. Make your meals conform with your waking/sleeping patterns; so even if you spend your waking hours at night, you'll still follow your normal eating habits (breakfast first, then lunch, and dinner.)


    As with any important undertaking, you must be in the right frame of mind. Know what it is you want to accomplish, and be very specific about the results you wish to achieve. If you've made up your mind about losing weight, discipline should be a matter of course. Don't worry about minor setbacks, as this is inevitable. Remind yourself that whatever damage it may have done is only temporary; what matters most is your consistency. Don't go for unrealistic goals. Keep it manageable. The weight you wish to lose comes from excess fat, and you can only expect a 1 1/2 lb. reduction in weight (from fat) per week, tops. Any sudden rise or fall in your weight within a matter of days comes from the retention and elimination of excess water. It is better to adopt healthful eating as part of a lifestyle change, instead of a temporary measure to lose weight. So try to make a habit of it. You'll reap its benefits in the long term.

  4. I'd probably be lucky to have even one (if I get married soon.) heheheh. Seriously, though, two sounds just about right for me. If I could afford it, however, I've got nothing against having a large family. The more the merrier, right? (Poor wife! How many pregnancies? What's that, you say? MORE THAN ONE WIFE!?!) araykup....

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