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Posts posted by sweetmia

  1. hehheh


    thanks po sa mga sagot.. teka d pako tapos..


    You can be a superhero for one day! What is your superhero name and what is your power?


    Which TV Program best describes your life?


    If you can choose to be beautiful, intelligent, or rich, which quality do you choose?


    What makes you unique?


    Tell me about the most important decision you have had to make.


    Compare yourself to your favorite dessert/color/fictional character.


    Which is more important, friendship or personal success?


    Which freedom do you value the most: life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness? When do you think these rights should be taken away from a person?


    If you had to spend the rest of your life eating one thing, what would it be?


    How do you feel about the increasing popularity of "Reality TV?"


    What is the oldest clothing article in your closet? Why is it still there?


    Tell me what you think the world will be like one hundred years from now.


    What do you feel contributes more to character development: success or failure?


    What is the worst habit you have?


    What is the strangest food you have ever tried? Did you like it?


    You have been granted a miraculous healing power that could terminate any single disease, which one disease would you choose?


    thanks po ulit

  2. grabe! naexcite ako..tanong pako ulit.. hihihih


    What is the best advice you have ever been given?


    If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?


    Do you have a favorite sport?


    What can people do to help the homeless?


    If you could meet anyone in the world (living or not) who would it be any what would you say to them?


    What is your most prized possession?


    Who is your favorite actor or actress?


    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


    What can we do to stop gang violence?


    If you could live anyone else's life, who would it be and why?


    If you had only one wish, what would it be and why?


    If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?


    What does the word "loyal" mean to you?

  3. waw!! hotseat!!


    tatanong ako.. heheh


    Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?



    What has been the biggest disappointment in your life to date?


    What is your best quality?


    What is your worst quality?


    Do you believe in premarital sex?


    Do you believe in abortion?


    Other than you mother, who do you admire most and why?


    Do you think the government should try to legislate morality to create a better environment for children to grow up in?


    Do you feel more comfortable in small gatherings or large parties?


    Everybody worries about something. What do you worry about?


    Do you prefer to have friends of the same sex or opposite sex? Why?


    What makes you angry?


    What makes you cry?


    Have you ever had a boyfriend reject you? How did you handle it?


    Who is Vice-President of the Philippines?


    If you were married and caught your husband in adultery, how would you handle it?


    If you could spend a Saturday reading a novel or playing a sport, which would you pick and why?


    How do you relax?


    How would you resolve the Middle East crisis?


    If you were elected president, name the most important change you'd make to our nation.


    Describe your future husband.


    What do you look for in a man?


    What is the one quality you wouldn't tolerate in a boyfriend or husband?


    There's a lot of "man-bashing" today. Why?


    Which of these women do you think was the best role model and why? Princess Diana...Mother Theresa...


    If you could go back and start your life over again, what one thing would you do differently?



    yun lang po... tsaka na ung iba.. thanks.. :)

  4. kaw pala nasa hotseat.. may tanong ako sayo..


    A parabola with vertex (2,0) and axis of symmetry parallel to the y-axis, passes through (3,1) and (-3,t).


    What is the value of t?

  5. nyek! di nga? naiyak ka? ako nahagis ko lang naman headset ko sa inis.. sobra toxic tong work na to grabe. nakakadrain lagi ng lakas..buti na lang nakaalis ako bago ako mabaliw.. haha!



    oo noh!! tos araw araw pako nakakabali ng lapis sobrang frustration ko.. :(


    i have nothing against dell naman..nde lang cguro talaga kaya ng powers ko kase nde naman tlaga ako techie..


    ung gusto mag apply kung mahilig talaga kayo sa mga hardware hardware u might enjoy the challenge.. marami akong kakilala na masaya naman sa delltech..

  6. well, for me the only problem that im dealing with right now is the summer HEAT!!! :grr:


    ang hirap matulog!!!

    smoking? it's not matututo... it's your choice na magyosi or ndi.

    instant food? ndi naman. depende din sayo yun kung ano gusto mo kainin and you can always bring your own food para di na bibili...


    you have your choices anyways!


    true..matagal nako sa call center.. nde namn ako nagsmoke..coz i ayaw ko. nagbabaon na rin ako ngayon ng kanin pati ulam..heheh

  7. I didn't get to watch this episode. But the teaser/ad for the epidose turned me off when it said that a call center job was "madali ang trabaho/malaki ang swueldo". I can agree that compared to other industries, the entry level salary in call centers is considerably high. But the job is NOT easy. The initial impression of people of a call center job is simply answering phone calls and doing menial tasks. They fail to see the complexity of the job which entails a rep to solve problems over the phone with callers coming from a different cultural background.


    I for one, certainly am very appreciative that this industry developed into what it is now. If I didn't get into the call center industry and pursued work based on my college degree, I would've been a production slave for those media outfits such abs-cbn.


    i completely agree!

  8. received this via email today.. totoo po ba to?



    A woman's right to refuse


    Please pass on to your wife , girlfriends; and ladies, you may want to

    forward to any female relatives who may need to know this important




    I was talking with a lawyer friend of mine. We were discussing the law and

    women`s rights. She told me about this incident - a young girl was raped

    by a man posing as a plain clothes officer; he asked her to come to the

    police station when she and her male friend didn't have a driver`s license

    to show. He sent the boy off to get his license and asked the girl to

    accompany him to the police station. Took her instead to an isolated area

    where the horrendous crime was committed.


    Infact, the law clearly states that between 6 pm and 6am, a woman has the

    right to REFUSE to go to the Police Station, even if an arrest warrant has

    been issued against her. It is a procedural issue that a woman can be

    arrested between 6pm and 6 am , ONLY if she is arrested by a woman officer

    and taken to an ALL WOMEN police station. And if she is arrested by a male


    officer, it has to be proven that a woman officer was on duty at the time

    of arrest.

    It is good for us to know our rights. To what extent it comes of use

    remains to be seen in any situation. But as they say, knowledge is power.


    Just thought I`d share this with you.

    I did not know this and am sure lot of us will not know this- please be

    informed..... And pass on this info to whom all u know.......

  9. post ko lang...



    From: Gigi_Grande@abs.pinoycentral.com


    Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 4:08 AM

    To: Evelyn Manaysay

    Cc: Joana Buita Anne Esguerra Anna Rodriguez






    Dear Evelyn,


    Thank you for sending me a copy of Menice Yap's

    e-mail. I wish I had her e-mail address so that I

    could respond to her directly, but

    since I don't, perhaps you could forward my e-mail

    to her?


    First of all, I wonder if Menice actually watched the

    entire episode last March 6? The purpose of the

    episode was to show both the good side of working

    in a call center, as well as the down side. We

    wanted to encourage employers to take better care

    of employees, but we also wanted aspiring call

    center agents to weigh the risks carefully before

    joining the industry.


    When we said there was "no age limit", and that "a

    college diploma is not required", we meant it in a

    positive way. Reading Menice Yap's e-mail, it

    would appear she was defensive about this. We

    think it's great that even Pinoys in their 40s and

    50s can get a job in a call center.

    And how encouraging that those who don't have

    the means to finish a college education STILL have

    the opportunity to get a decent, high paying job!

    The only way Menice could have misinterpreted

    this is if she had not watched the episode. She

    also mentioned Wil Ison. If she had watched the

    program, she would have seen that we DID

    applaud the fact that he was a manager at such a

    young age.


    When we said "magaang na trabaho"- this was

    based on interviews with several call center

    representatives ON camera and OFF camera.

    Many of them said the most difficult part of the job

    was the schedule, as well as speaking with irate

    callers- difficulties which we certainly mentioned in

    the story. There was no intention to demean the

    job of call center agents, nor to dismiss it as

    menial. We agree with Menice that intelligence is

    essential to the job. NOWHERE in the episode

    was the contrary insinuated. In fact, the men and

    women we interviewed are all very intelligent.

    Again, there was no need for Menice to be



    And what's wrong with saying that it's "in" to work

    in a call center? That's certainly how a good

    number of young people feel. That was not meant

    to insult. It was just meant to reflect how a good

    number of agents feel about working in this

    industry. Again she was being defensive when she

    said " we are working, we are paying taxes, we

    are being productive." We KNOW you are working,

    paying taxes and being productive! I don't

    understand where Menice Yap's hostility is

    comming from. We certainly did not say that ALL

    call center agents are "obese smoking

    insomniacs". However it IS a FACT that a

    growing number of agents have become overweight

    or obese, have insomnia, and have begun to

    smoke. And this is an issue that agents and

    employers should be concerned about! It is also

    useful information for those aspiring to work in the



    The final paragraph of Menice's e-mail betrays her

    knowledge of the story we presented. She

    said, "why not thank us?... ask the government to

    provide security to the employees who have

    different schedules from the normal 9-5 workers?

    ask them to take care of us." Menice, THAT'S

    WHAT WE WERE TRYING TO DO !!! In fact, let

    me reiterate that our aim was to call attention to

    the upside and downside of working in a call

    center, and as far as the downside was concerned,

    we wanted government and industry employers to

    take better care of employees. We're not the



    Thanks for your time, Evelyn, and I hope this e-

    mail somehow finds its way to Menice so that

    these issues may be clarified.




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