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Posts posted by aymfreety

  1. Not too many people like veggies. Is it because we were forced to eat them when we were kids? Yet, nutrionists and medical practitioners agree that veggies should be an essential part of a healthy diet.

    How do you feel about vegetables? Do you feel the same way about broccoli as you do about a T-bone steak or roast chicken?

    What are your favorites, if any? Are there vegetables that you absolutely will not eat?

    Finally, can you recommend a nice salad bar aside from the one in Wendy's?

    i like veggies coz they're not fattening & definitely healthy .I like eggplant esp. when it's fried & have it as viand w/ bagoong. :)

  2. The problem your friend is facing is that anything serious you can file against the firl will actually back fire on her husband as well.  For example, you file a concubinage case against the girl, but it takes two to tango because you cannot commit concubinage without the husband.  :blush:


    Unless the girl commits something else other than flirting with the husband, there isn't anything other than malicious mischief that can be filed.

    k. in behalf of my frend, tnx 4 d info!

  3. i have a married friend whose hubby is foolin' arnd w/ this other gurl.Ung gurl mejo habol ng habol s hubby ng friend ko. What charges cn my friend file against the gurl(if there's any)?

  4. About how long does it usually take for a salary loan 2 b processed & approved? btw, i already have here the data of my contributions since 1997-2004.FYI:In 1997,i only had contribution for the month of Apr.;then my ff. contribution was in Feb.-Dec. 2001;i was unemployed last Jan. '02(so i had no contribution 4 said month of that yr),then i had a job & my contribution resumed in Feb.-Dec.2002.Then for the entire 2003,i had complete contributions, to present. U think there's gonna b a prob(such as denial of my application)coz of the months i didn't have contributions?(i hope not! :unsure: )

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