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matryoshka doll

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Status Updates posted by matryoshka doll

  1. I honestly thought we were on the same page.

    1. B.C.


      Aaaaaaw. Feels. :'(

  2. You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you've known forever.

  3. are you a blessing or a lesson?

  4. So, does love conquer all?

    1. lone23
    2. Viola


      No it doesnt. Sometimed, love also isnt enough. Sometimes, love hurts, love wounds and harms.

    3. matryoshka doll
  5. getting no message is also a message

  6. decide to quit breaking your own heart

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      most definitely. no ine can break you not unless you let them and you revel in the suffering. a lovely sunday.

    2. matryoshka doll

      matryoshka doll

      it's really mostly, up to you. a beautiful Sunday to you.

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      yes, it is. someone breaks your heart, but how to deal with it is in your hands. either we heal it or let it break even more.

  7. "too busy" is a myth. people make time for the things that are important to them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. matryoshka doll

      matryoshka doll

      thanks. happy weekend :)

    3. wheeljack


      well that is true. guess it's a matter of determining your priorities

    4. matryoshka doll

      matryoshka doll

      if they tell you they're busy, you know for sure you're not on the list.

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