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Posts posted by Unwritten

  1. Dear mailbox,

    You got me all wound up and supper excited about the news you contain.

    It's the promise of something new and exciting and the validation that I am still relevant and wanted.

    However, after the emotional high subsided and letting rational thinking rule,

    ... sad to say it was short lived as it's a good news that I had to decline.

    But I thank you though, as it was the highlight of of an otherwise long and dreary Wednesday.


    All the best,


  2. People who think they know what they want are fooling themselves. Nobody really knows what they want until its right in front of them.


    ... And then some people don't know what they want even if it's in front of them and it's staring at them dead on.


    Perhaps the key is contentment and having a deliberate plan to achieve happiness.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. KC,

    To take in the beauty of the garden's first blooms and to get intoxicated with the fragrance and dizzying array of scents.

    To lose myself in the pathways and hallways admiring the priceless creations of masters present and past.

    To feel the electricity and get absorbed watching one of the greatest sports there is and perhaps come away with a flier memento.

    And to do it all with you... would be absolutely lovely.




  4. Not really a hooby for me but I do enjoy occasional target shooting at the range as a stress relief.

    Besides, even if owning a firearm is purely for home defense purpose, it still is good sense to practice and be familiar with your weapon to be ready when the need arises.


    Savage Arms MSR-15 Recon.


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