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Posts posted by baymaxxx

  1. I really don't care about what I look like but there comes a point in time when you, yourself says IT is too much. Especially if its jeopardising your health already. Just my two cents

  2. high blood pressure is a bitch!


    starting 5 years ago, i became very active and started healthy eating. since then i have lost 70lbs (from 250 to 180lbs).. i don't smoke, drink, i avoid processed food, i avoid fried foods, i do a lot of cardio (bike, run, swim) and weights.. but still i have high bp, 130/110.. now i have to take maintenance meds.

    Regarding Hypertension, there's a lot of factors to consider:

    a) Family History- If both sides have it (most likely you'll have it in the future!)

    B) Life style and eating habit - eat healthy , live healthy. don't smoke, avoid excessive alcohol drinking, exercise at least 30 mins everyday. avoid sweets, fatty, salty, soft drinks, sweets and too much food. Lastly maintain this lifestyle and stick to your diet.

    c) Previously Hypertensive - if you had been a diagnosed hypertensive patient, it sticks with you for the rest of your life man. Now, what you can do is life style modification and if its that bad you get maintenance meds and you have to stick with it, otherwise you can get the nasty complications like stroke . HPN can f#&k up your your whole body especially your brain, heart and kidneys.

    d) Pain?Hot and Humid temp? exercise recently before checking BP- these are other factors to consider as they all contribute to elevating heart rate which affects your BP

    e) regular check up with your MD- your doctor will ask your about whole medical history and prev. meds taken.From this he'll ask some labs regarding your condition and give your meds tailored to it. Don't forget to Follow-up regularly.


    with this, live long and prosper :D

    Just a follow up question, when can my gf take a PT to check if nordette was effective

    Tell your GF to take PT 2 weeks after your last intercourse. It's usually by this time the hormone which the PT picks up elevates

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