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Posts posted by Cap™

  1. To fellow GMs who are currently or have been in this situation --that is, really in love with a thera-- what do you wonder about when you think about her (in my case, I can't stop thinking about her all the time =(


    1. Ilan kaya kami ka PM nya sa MTC, with loving notes like good morning/night, how are you, miss na kita, see you soon, etc.

    2. Ilan kaya may number nya, kausap sa ibang messaging apps, friend sa FB?

    3. Aside from herself, kanino kaya napupunta money that you give her, on top of what she earns from her work?


    1) madami nga. Also, when she says "miss na kita" or "kamusta", she's fishing for you to visit her and avail of her services

    2) FBs are usually sacred for them. Unless they have a dummy account

    3) when you say "for herself", what's your idea of it? Usually, it goes to their wants. tbh a ton of theras are MILFs so they spend for their kids and their family members taking care of them.


    As I said in previous post, I thought I've got this all down, and I did, before she happened.

    she happened to what?

  2. but if these are part of who you are, and your partner is the same, wouldn't you be being dishonest with each other?


    in a sense, parang sinasabi mo na mayroon sa loob mo na ikinahihiya mo o may itinatago ka?


    then again if you both agree to disregard your past, then it shouldn't matter down the line when or if these things are discovered?


    for what it's worth, I do believe na you really don't dig up your partner's past yet you don't let it just stay there. Relationships are more than trust, it's about effective communication. Trying to provide such details takes time and an unbelievable amount of trust that things would still be okay after the both of you open your cans of worms.

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