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Status Updates posted by mjane74

  1. wet night... :-)

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      stay dry and safe! :D

    2. mjane74
  2. all work and no play makes one a dull person..hmmm, who says? :-)

  3. Happy fathers day, everyone!

  4. Wishing i could turn back the clock...*sighs*

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      a penny for your thoughts..

    2. Robert Mortimer

      Robert Mortimer

      Look straight ahead. That's what I do. Makes mistakes I've done in the past remain just what they are, a part of the past.

  5. Walang forever...meron eternity. :-) :-)

  6. it's been a long day...*tired* *yawn*

  7. For the first time in so many years, I felt ashamed of doing something I know will make me happy...

    1. metromale


      Don't be ashamed of doing what makes you happy, The Important thing is you're happy and that's the bottom line. I tried sending you PM but your inbox is full. Hope to hear from you. Thanks

  8. It's manic working monday again...

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