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Everything posted by FleurDeLune

  1. I'm currently watching... "Flight World War II" (Synopsis) http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/91nBS%2BeigPL._SY445_.jpg
  2. Christian group says the world will be permanently 'annihilated' on Wednesday (that's going to be today as of this writing).
  3. Sino ang most memorable teacher mo at ano ang best lesson na iniwan nya saiyo? #WorldTeachers'Day #ThankYouTeacher
  4. For anyone who loves to go astray, this is your playground (thread). Forum rules still apply. Expect your post to be edited/deleted. Anyone can earn an infraction. P.S. This is not a Fight thread.
  5. Is there such a thing? If so, kindly state. The continuation of the previous thread. Let me start: Best: Marcos Worst: PNoy
  6. The third thread and the continuation. The 1st one had been deleted by the previous Mod due to spamming and personal attacks, same thing happened to the last one. So I hope this will take some pages before any unfortunate happened again. So there. State your belief and principle, and support them if you can.
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