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Sitti of TVS

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Status Updates posted by Sitti of TVS

  1. Pressure creates diamonds

  2. Wala nga kze forever >.< tsk tsk

  3. Not responding is a response.

  4. Stop crossing oceans for people who wouldnt jump puddles for u..

  5. The woman is the reflection of her man :)

  6. A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected ~^

  7. Such a very lucky night :)

  8. If chaos is a work of art, then my heart is a masterpiece..

  9. Love is a war between two hearts but in this exciting war u die many times ..

  10. Books, guitar, baccarat! Hahahha

  11. It starts in my soul and i lose all control .. :)

  12. Pde bng mglaho nlng prang bula.

  13. Gusto qung mawala.

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