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Sitti of TVS

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Status Updates posted by Sitti of TVS

  1. You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul. So dont come back for me.

  2. the problem with being empathetic is that you feel sorry for assholes too.

  3. Pasapak nga. Isa lang please.

  4. Pasapak nga. Isa lang please.

  5. i promise to build a new world for us two, with you in the middle.

  6. oh , ill be your daydream, ill wear your favorite things..

  7. I learned to love me when no one else could see my worth.

  8. Til 4pm at solace :)

  9. #Solacespaturns4

  10. Back from a long vacationn :) see you later at solace spa loves :)

  11. Here at solace spa ;)

  12. She wasn't a victim of fate, she kept telling herself: she was running her own risks, pushing beyond her own limits, experiencing things which, one day, in the silence of her heart, in the tedium of old age, she would remember almost with nostalgia- however absurd that might seem.

  13. yey its good to be back :)

  14. konichiwa! please visit c'est lv spa :) we are giving free hugs and kisses po todayyyy hahaha charrr :) but please visit cause im boredddddddddd... hahahaha

  15. Urgent Hiring: Female Therapist Quezon City area! we'll take care of you! :) see you :)

  16. https://manilatonight.com/index.php?showtopic=57053&page=475&do=findComment&comment=14586140 solid line up for today :) kahit petite, tall, voluptous , skinny, sexy, kahit anong gusto mo may mairereco ako sayo :)
  17. https://manilatonight.com/index.php?showtopic=57053&page=475&do=findComment&comment=14586140 solid line up for today :) kahit petite, tall, voluptous , skinny, sexy, kahit anong gusto mo may mairereco ako sayo :)
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