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Sitti of TVS

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    Food. Sugar and spice and everything nice.. and hmmm abs... and abs.... and more abs... hahahha!!! ( pervert mode lol!!!)

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  1. F u tasted the best cake in ur life, would u still continue to eat it even f a few people tell u its disgusting and they dont like it? So y do people give up on the chance to be with someone hu makes them happy becoz of a few things that irrelevant people say.... Hahahah :)

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Mmmmm there is a flipside to that. Happiness is not everything, sometimes to do what is right and good for you, you have to sacrifice things that make you happy. Sometimes the people who truly care for our welfare are right. And most of the time, our emotions towards a person makes us blind

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