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Sitti of TVS

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    Food. Sugar and spice and everything nice.. and hmmm abs... and abs.... and more abs... hahahha!!! ( pervert mode lol!!!)

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  1. been through so much bullshit i dont even cry no more i just be like ' oh ok' * sigh

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    2. ADAM


      @SP: naging abala ako lately, same same ba na compilations yan ni Sitti?

      Same same bago ako namasyal? Ahihihi

    3. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      ewan ko sanyong dalawa hmp... geh pagtulungan nyo ko lagyan ko ng muratic acid yung kape nyo pag nagkape kape tayo.. hmp!!!

    4. ~sp


      @adam - kahit may bago, same same cycle :P hehehehe! peace! :)


      @sitti - bakit, magpapakape ka ba?

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