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Sitti of TVS

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    Food. Sugar and spice and everything nice.. and hmmm abs... and abs.... and more abs... hahahha!!! ( pervert mode lol!!!)

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  1. the diff. between 'like' , 'love' and 'in love' is like the diff. between 'for now', 'for a while' and 'forever'... enedew... hmmm... hir nah at shizuka....,:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      Do i have to kiss hundreds of frogs before i found my prince...?

    3. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Of course not. You just gotta find the one will respect you and make a better person out of you.


    4. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      Where, when and how.. :(

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