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Sitti of TVS

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    Food. Sugar and spice and everything nice.. and hmmm abs... and abs.... and more abs... hahahha!!! ( pervert mode lol!!!)

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  1. Lyin here with u so close to me. Its hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe.

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    2. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      Sp....!! Ahhhh kasalanan mu toooooo hahahahhahhahah


      #cant breathe.


    3. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      Tech buff haha bsta hard eh nu.. Iba dating tsk tsk

    4. Sitti of TVS

      Sitti of TVS

      Oh anu gnawa mu dun? Bat npadaan kah?

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