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Nate Gray

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Posts posted by Nate Gray

  1. Heartbreaking loss for Netherlands. They should have gone with Krul as the goalkeeper instead for the penalty shootout, instead, it was Argentina's goalkeep that displayed a more determined performance. Still, Argentina vs. Germany makes for a very interesting Final. Wonder who the Brazilians will be cheering for.

  2. After a workout, you have a 30-minute window with which to load on carbohydrates to speed up recovery. After that, you have a 2-hr window to replenish with protein to rebuild the muscle that you just broke down.

  3. Surprisingly, the best core exercises are Squats and Deadlifts. That's because you need to really engage your core when lifting heavy. Since your legs are more than capable of lifting heavy weights (notice how you can lift more weight on a leg press vs squats or deadlifts), the core becomes the weak link that needs to be strengthened to progress.

  4. Except that Thiago Silva is suspended for the next match for picking up a second yellow card in their match against Colombia. Oscar and Hulk now have to fill the void left by Neymar. Germany stands a better chance of winning the world cup now because they're less reliant on a single player, whereas Neatherlands has had to rely on Robben and Argentina leans heavily on Messi.

  5. Best way is to go cold turkey. Trying to quit gradually just doesn't work and you eventually find yourself in remission. I smoked for 15 years and just decided to quit one day. Not for any life-changing reason but just because I felt I was ready to give up the habit.

  6. Let me be the first to suggest a pullup bar. The benefits for total upper body you get from it is amazing. From that alone you can already do some form of circuit training at home. Check out simplefit (www.simplefit.org)


    Agree with this. For anyone contemplating setting up a home gym, a pullup bar is easily one of the essentials you'll need. After that, a bunch of free weights in the form of dumbells or a barbell and plates should do the trick.

  7. Hopefully Brazil gets past a stubborn Columbia. Haha!


    Only way they'll do that is if they have a better strategy than just relying on Neymar. This Brazil team lacks the distinctive 'Joga Bonito' style that makes them unique.

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