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Posts posted by delubyos

  1. They probably lost their fervor in ranting against Duterte because Rody has been doing an excellent job. Now, regarding the human rights violations brought about by extrajudicial killings that some noisy people have been ranting about, I have only one thing to say: Show proof that the police were, indeed, were the ones who did the extrajudicial killings.


    anyone with some sense in their heads can tell that it would be extremely difficult to prove that the police are involved in these killings. let me ask you this question then po tatang, who do you think is executing these alleged criminals? i say alleged because i can just as well throw your statement back at you, show proof that these people being are who their signposts say they are, drug pushers, drug users or criminals.


    There wasn't any due process involved here. This is vigilantism. No proof was presented in these killings.


    How do you know that these people are just innocent victims and they were targeted by someone with an axe to grind or grudge against them and they were portrayed unfairly as drug pushers?


    Back to my original question. Who do you think is executing these people if its not the police? radicals? regular citizens? terrorists?


    The main argument here is, these killings should not be condoned because people with guns who carry out these heinous crimes don't have any accountability. Deducing from your post it seems you have no problem with people being killed without any cause. I wonder how you'd feel if these killings happened on your doorstep. Would you still feel the same way you are feeling now. Heck, i have a gun and i can do the same thing these people are doing.

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