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MandyOnDuty last won the day on November 21 2014

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    volleyball, fashion, fitness, painting, literature, arts, sweets

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  1. What if the pilot is the one causing turbulence and is leading the plane to crash bc he and other airplane personnel have their own parachutes anyway? And they won't provide the passengers with parachutes? Will you still trust him?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kmonkmon


      Lol, it's not like we have other options considering our current sitiation. Just ky two centa. Kahit ngumawa tayo ng ngumawa sa keyboard no use din. Plus, may positive aide nmn sa plan nya. You have aomeone to hold accountable. Don't promite chaos when there is one already ^^

    3. MandyOnDuty


      He has parachutes. He and his chronies hoarded the safety equipment & other sources in the plane needed to survive. "IF" the plane crashes, they have all the means to live while the passengers just fend for themselves and plan on their own how to survive.

    4. MandyOnDuty


      Nobody is praying for the flight to crash. We just wish we had a better pilot, or atleast reassurance that our pilot has any idea what he's doing. Kasi if I remember correctly(and you're free to correct me if I'm wrong), wala pang nalalapat na concrete plan tong/pilot natin except to stop dissenting and just trust the government, when the government has more than ample resources to do something(275 BILLION pesos na fund para sa pandemic response)

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