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Status Updates posted by @Migz

  1. To whoever reads this, I hope something good happens to you today. =D

    1. neville


      And to you as well. :)


  2. We are all so desperate to be understood, but we forgot to be understanding. ;-)

  3. We cannot always wait for the perfect time... Sometimes we must dare to jump. =)

  4. what if i fall for you?...

  5. What makes you moan so good? =)

  6. What's meant to be will always find its way... =D

  7. When can I see you 'Crush'??? =)

  8. When you think about quitting... Think about why you started. =)

  9. Which way to go... up? or down? =D

  10. Why do some acts innocent, but is thinking about riding the f*ck out of you? Hi hi =D

  11. Work harder now so you don't have to later...

  12. You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think... B E L I E V E ! ! ! =D

  13. You can still be happy... only if you choose me. =)

  14. You can't change the past, so focus on making a great fututre. =)

    1. Christian.Grey
    2. @Migz


      Salamat sir Retz. =D

  15. You deserve the 'love' you keep trying to give everyone else. =D

  16. You don't always get what you wished for... You get what you worked for. Right? =)

  17. You have to start somewhere to make it anywhere. Stay happy peeps. =D

  18. You learn a lot about people when they don't get what they want. Truth? =D

  19. You make the Choice, to take the Chance, if you want anything in life Change. TRUE? =D

  20. You never have to chase what wants to stay...

  21. You weren't born to just pay bills and die. =D

  22. You're in my inappropriate thoughts... =D

  23. Your best teacher is your last mistake.. Be patient, good things take time. =D

  24. Your hardest challenges will teach you your best lessons. Don't lose hope. =)

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