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Status Updates posted by @Migz

  1. Fall seven times... stand up eight... =D

  2. The bad news -- Nothing lasts forever; The good news -- Nothing lasts forever. hi hi =D

  3. Count your blessings... not your problems. Happy monday peeps. =D

  4. If you never try, you'll never know...

  5. 'We learn by doing.' - Aristotle

  6. We cannot always wait for the perfect time... Sometimes we must dare to jump. =)

  7. It is less important to have more friends... but more important to have 'real' ones. Happy thursday peeps. =)

  8. If you want it... Work for it. Simple. Happy monday Peeps. =D

  9. There are no 'failures', just experiences and reactions to them. Stay positive peeps. Have a great weekend. =D

  10. Your hardest challenges will teach you your best lessons. Don't lose hope. =)

  11. Show life that you have a million reasons to smile and laugh. =D

  12. Never give up on things that makes you smile. =)

  13. Never give up...Great things take time. =D

  14. Mistakes makes you wiser and Pain makes you stronger. chilaks ka lang. =D

  15. You make the Choice, to take the Chance, if you want anything in life Change. TRUE? =D

  16. You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think... B E L I E V E ! ! ! =D

  17. Work harder now so you don't have to later...

  18. Nice to see you here Misty. =D

  19. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day... I do! =D

  20. Loyalty is rare, if you find it... keep it. =)

    1. ARIES💋


      Amen brother.. AMEN.. its the most important thing for me.. napaka dami kasing plastik dyan.. depende lang kung sino kaharap o sa pangangailangan

  21. Life is 10% what happens to you... and 90% how you handle it. True? =D

  22. Everything will be 'okay' in the end. If it isn't 'okay', it isn't the end...

  23. Care less.. Live more... Be Happy. =D

  24. A couple years from now, everything you're stressing about won't mean a thing...

    1. jimmy77


      Let's hope so.......

  25. What's meant to be will always find its way... =D

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